Please, Help... Fungus, nutes or ???


DWC, 7.5 lpm air
53 days into flower

Temp: 65-80

Lights: 12/12 1000 W HPS

PH: between 5.8 and 6.2

PPM: starts at 1200 on sunday and drops to 700 or so by the following sunday. (200 ppm is the water)

Water: Tap water, 200 ppm (included in ppm above)

Pure Blend Pro Bloom - 1 1/2 tbsp / gallon
Liquid Karma - 1 1/2 tsp / gallon

This started showing up a week and half ago I think it may be a fungus.

I thought nute burn initially and backed off the nutes from full to 3/4 dose and it did not seem to make a difference.

I dont think its nute burn because the spots are also on the leaf interior and there are healthy and bad leaves all over the plant.

I see no signs of bugs, on the bottom of the plant a lot of leaves turned yellow and started dying.

The stems seem awful dark to me but cutting them in half they still look healthy.

I think I have 2-3 weeks before chopping so I need to know what everyone thinks it is and what I can do given the amount of time left. I picked up some serenade garden disease control from the local hydro shop, the guy there told me it was safe to use even this late in the bloom. (Active ingredient QST 713 strain of Bacillus subtillis)

Should I just chop them down now since I probably wont grow any new leaves at this stage? Some yield is better than zero if its a fungus or something.



Active Member
im no expert but it shouldnt be a problem..i mean u really dont have much time if u see shit happening to the buds then i would worry! have u flushed at all?


im no expert but it shouldnt be a problem..i mean u really dont have much time if u see shit happening to the buds then i would worry! have u flushed at all?
No, not yet. I was hoping they would be cloudy this weekend and I could start a flush. Last saturday they were still pretty clear.


Active Member
ic ic! u should of flushed em when u noticed that yellowish color then did half strenth on the nutes just to be safe!!


Well, not getting a whole lot of input. I did some research on serenade and it should be safe to use even this late into flower. My plan is to spray her down tonight and see how it goes. I will let you know how it goes.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I looked up your leafs in the mj bible and I need to know how the new leaf start if any was or is reacting. It seems like a culmination of two things when I referenced the leaf stress
1. Potassium--- understandable as she should be getting huge doses for flowering and less Nitro. We agree?
2. either a build up or lack of a nute because it is possible to get to much manganese if the Ph was kept at low levels. (what is to low?) depends on the plant or strain. Most like Hydro at 5.5-6.5 as well as soil is up to 7. The young leaves tell the story as the end result is always yellowing or spotting or dead spots for a numerous amount of conditions. But because of your Ph and temps I guess Zinc---why? because it si the most micro nute found deficient or not found.
First, younger leaves exhibit interveinal chlorosis, and new leaves and growing tips develop small, thin blades that contort or wrinklle. The leaf tips , later the margins.discolor and burn. Burned spots on teh leaves could grow progressivley larger. Also mirror MG or maganese symptoms but your ph would make me think O.D of MG then under. But your buds are effected too right?----New growth contorts Horizontal new bud and leaf growth stop. this is out of the M MJ G bible by J.C.
To help would be to flushing grow medium with a diluted mix of complete fert containing chelated trace elements inc mag, zinc, iron. or a quality brand micronute mix containg (CHELATED) trace elements. Hope you save them.


I thought it could be mg. I am not real experienced with MJ, but I am using the Pure blned Pro Bloom (hydro) and Liquid Karma; I assumed these would have all the nutes I needed.

THe attached picture shows a newer leaf, it seems its pretty much done adding leaves.

I did spray them down with serenade tonight and planned on flushing them tomorrow.


Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I do not think it is a fungus and I think it may be either metal deficiency Mg Zn etc... or oddly enough over fertilization. Before you get her going in all different directions. STOP wait 36 hours to see what the spray does for you in the interim. If it is not a fungus, you will know right there and can begin cleaning the underside of the leaves stomata's so you can have some clean veggies. And so she can breath again. Done in the morning with a spray bottle spray her first thing real good under neath and then shake her off and let her dry before cranking up the light or bringing in down however it is over there. Most inside grows at the end of 45 days of vegging in a 5 gal pot have burned up Mg which effects other metals too. That is why an Epsom salt for plants is recommended at 1 tbs per gal at 3 times the container. You are Hydro I am sure you have a conversion for that formula. Like Hydro Peroxide 2% solution is a good antiseptic which equates to 2. times 10 k and move the point over to the right 4 0's and you got ppm. Google the conversion for further clarity on that.
However after 36 hour if she still needs help try a flush with a ph balanced h20 with the nutrients as described above and note the changes. You will then wait another 24 or so hours to note result. If in fact it was fungus it should be addressed within 36 hours and after another 24 of the flush and reduced nutes as mentioned above you then have covered over fert. Which will leave you with lack of nutes if that does not clear it up which case you will get ( armstrong nurse has it) BIG BUD BLOOM a Hawaiian brand feed like a 50 14 7 yet all is chelated and can be foliar fed. In Which case you can feed her direct in some areas thru the leaves and see a quicker result if the last 5 days of troubleshooting has really left her hungry. But I think the Flush will get you there, and the Fungus was a false alarm---No fuzz or white powder, not rust other then what looks like the tail end of P or Zn Deficient.
Let me know with a note if it worked


I do not think it is a fungus and I think it may be either metal deficiency Mg Zn etc... or oddly enough over fertilization. Before you get her going in all different directions. STOP wait 36 hours to see what the spray does for you in the interim. If it is not a fungus, you will know right there and can begin cleaning the underside of the leaves stomata's so you can have some clean veggies. And so she can breath again. Done in the morning with a spray bottle spray her first thing real good under neath and then shake her off and let her dry before cranking up the light or bringing in down however it is over there. Most inside grows at the end of 45 days of vegging in a 5 gal pot have burned up Mg which effects other metals too. That is why an Epsom salt for plants is recommended at 1 tbs per gal at 3 times the container. You are Hydro I am sure you have a conversion for that formula. Like Hydro Peroxide 2% solution is a good antiseptic which equates to 2. times 10 k and move the point over to the right 4 0's and you got ppm. Google the conversion for further clarity on that.
However after 36 hour if she still needs help try a flush with a ph balanced h20 with the nutrients as described above and note the changes. You will then wait another 24 or so hours to note result. If in fact it was fungus it should be addressed within 36 hours and after another 24 of the flush and reduced nutes as mentioned above you then have covered over fert. Which will leave you with lack of nutes if that does not clear it up which case you will get ( armstrong nurse has it) BIG BUD BLOOM a Hawaiian brand feed like a 50 14 7 yet all is chelated and can be foliar fed. In Which case you can feed her direct in some areas thru the leaves and see a quicker result if the last 5 days of troubleshooting has really left her hungry. But I think the Flush will get you there, and the Fungus was a false alarm---No fuzz or white powder, not rust other then what looks like the tail end of P or Zn Deficient.
Let me know with a note if it worked
Thanks for the detailed info. Its just a bit late but I think I can get back there. I sprayed them down real well with serenade last night. Today I started flushing.

The plant is down to like 20% of its leaves left. They were dropping at an alarming rate.

I was planning on just flushing for a week and then harvesting. However, maybe I should give the flush and spray 48-36 hours and try bringing nutes back in.

Just out of curiosity, I change my nutes / water every week. Shouldnt the pure blend bloom & karma have all the stuff I need? Maybe not the best stuff but shouldn't it get me through to harvest?


Just a follow up the serenade that late into the cycle had no obvious effects. The problem was almost certainly nutrients, I have started growing clones of the same strain and changed nutrients, we will see if that works.