Please help is this a hermie?


Well-Known Member
3 weeks into flowering on 2 out of 5 plants I see these balls. There is no more than one on one spot. I know balls mean hermie, but they are my biggest and favorite plants so I just want to make sure before I do something stupid. Thank you for help!!!



Well-Known Member
B4 you do anything stupid have you considered yanking them off with a pair of tweezers???

Its a nuisance I know but imo better than chucking them.


Active Member
Call your local grow shop and ask them about hermicine, I threw out a few plants and then finally asked the stupid question about changing the sex back after they maf out. He says "Oh yeah ill give ya this stuff to try" Im like fuck man. Thats my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
ahh...I just cut them off...well they will make a good hash anyway. So from 13 plants I ended up with 1 dying, 7 males, 2 hermies and 3 females :-? that sucks...anyway does the hermocine or whatever work? I would be still scared about using it...they were 3 weeks into beautiful too :cry: BUT it is my first growth so I am happy I know what to do now...and I didn't screw anything up either...hopefully I will have a better luck next time.