Please Help Me Grow!

You dont NEED an exhaust, its just good to have one. You want fresh air circulating, not the same stale warm air. But it shouldnt matter too much for just 1-2 plants. Ya man, i would just use soil. I use happy frog and MG moisture control. some ppl hate but i dont see any problems. Good luck on your 1st grow by the way man. Its a great hobby.

J DizZle

what soil should i use ive heard lots of bad things about mg being fiilled with chemicals and not an organic growing soil.


Well-Known Member
Vegetation I would say if you are actually using soil that you should try for something with next to no nutrients in it. Then transplant into something hot while reducing the hours of light which will make for ample supply up until the end of flower.

You can do this a number of ways, for instance. Use light warrior to plant, veg til it is a few nodes. Transplant into a 50/50 of LW/OF of appropriate sized pot to get them to desired height approx 1/2 that of final anticipated height. Then finally transplant into full OF.

You can apply that with a few different soil/soiless blends commonly available at every hydro. Or you can just increase pot size and administer nutrients in appropriate concentrations up until the final flush.

J DizZle

ive just got an aluminum dome piece i can use as a hood, ill post some pics below. then for reflectors i saw these things u put in cars to reflect sunlight away from the interior of the car. i bought one since there was no mylar wrap i could find, and im thinking about cutting it up into smaller pieces and using it to line the interior of my grow box (which will be two plastic bins that i will stack on top of each other). (thats the aluminum thing i wanna use for a hood upside down of course, its just laying on a recycling bin there). and then the next pic is the mylar like material for the inside of cars that reflects light real well. is this good or do i need something else as a hood/reflectors?
Ya man that should work fine. But uh as far as soil. I use MG moisture control and the plants seem healthy. Happy frog is good stuff though. I've seen some good bud grown in it. Its all up to you man.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
I've seen a lot of VERY disapointing reviews on happy frog.
The most recommanded brand I see around here is the Fox Farm Ocean Forest.

But what do I know, I use local Israeli stuff and mix perlite with it.

J DizZle

I've seen a lot of VERY disapointing reviews on happy frog.
The most recommanded brand I see around here is the Fox Farm Ocean Forest.

But what do I know, I use local Israeli stuff and mix perlite with it.
i think my loews has that. do i need to mix it with anything, or just put it in my cup, and put my germanized seed in there?

J DizZle

add 20% perlite for better everything. the only downside is that you will need to water a bit more.
yea im ive heard 1/4 perlie, ur saying 20% some say 30-40%, im just gonna put about 1/4 of a party cup of perlite, then mix it in wiht my scotts organic soil

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
add another 20% - it still have the same deal.
you can use straight perlite as well - its a great medium. (its a hydro medium)
Using soil with the perlite helps retaining water, containing organic materials, holds fertilizers and all that crap.

soil needs less watings, and can hold much more nutes.
in soil you can use fertilizers that take time to break down, while in hydro you better use broken down fertilizers.

For begginers i'd recommand 50% perlite.
Happy frog is a fox farm product. Idk be honest soil can help the average grower, but shit i've seen plants grow in straight dirt and still come out alright. The soil isnt gonna be your biggest problem, thats just a simple fact. The scotts shit will work just fine. I've never seen it used, but i've seen there fertilizer kick ass. lol U'll be just fine man. Good luck.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
how much does a bag of premium soil cost and how much does one bottle of fertilizer cost?

soil is cheap and its very important to use a good one. why? because you will need less stuff to fix problems caused.

i've seen people grow in glass shards with great results, but we are noobs so why don't go the easy route?

I've seen people having problems with happyfrog already. I've seen great reviews however on the Fox Farm Ocean Forest.

With proper soil you can use some cheap high N for veg and some avarage blooming formulas and get the results you'll get with some cheap soil using more expensive ferts, and all the micro elements stuff that you will needs.
I agree that us noobs should make it easy on ourselves. But i dont agree with fox farm "ocean forest" being the best stuff and everything else is shit...if you wanna make it easy on urself, screw the nutes! Keep it simple organic soil. I've used no nutes with MG moisture control, and my plants are doin just dandy. Grant it, there not the biggest fattest dankest girls out there, but they'll be good. But strain matters too...idk man. Just look at the soil thats gonna meet ur interest. Gotta think about how often it needs to be watered? are u gonna have to add nutes? is it only gonna get u through the vegging stage? Its all shit u gotta ask urself.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
i have no clue about soil brands, I just heard stuff around. I use local israeli stuff that I adjust to my needs.
I don't know whats good and whats not, I just found some very negative feedbacks on the happyfrog. It looks bad as well.

Growing without nutes seems stupid to me if you don't know EXACTLY what your gals need. Adding nutes as you go gives you the possibility to add what the plant needs at the same moment. If you don't know it in advance you plants needs, I don't know why to do that.
You can grow a plant from start to finish with some pre-fertilized soil and a bit of blood meal, but you won't get plants as good as plants done with other methods.

I can show you my first grow to compare with yours. It was done in soil using biobizz nutes and guano powder pre-mixed.
If you've found a way to achieve the same results or better, I'll be happy to try your way. (and I'm talking about my first grow as it was pretty screwed all the way)
lol i try not to think about the 1st plant i grew. lol it was a 6ft tall piece of shit! I chopped the bitch down and used it as fertilizer. Hey i'm not tryin to say i can out grow anybody. Im just saying, people grow decent plants all the time using nothing but the soil. The problem with guessing around what ur plant "needs" is a thing called nute burn. I'm sure you know about it. With the happy frog, the MG, compost, all the shit i've used, besides dirt of course(ya i tried it), none of the plants ever showed a deffiency...with happy frog and MG, most of my plants 1st cola were thicker than a sharpie, which is plenty thick enough to support fat, dense buds. I feel likew i say it too much...u gotta do what feels right to you. Gotta think whats it about, making money, or getting high. lol For me its both, so i try to keep cost down while i grow, i dont use nutes unless i have to, i use cfls(i do have a 1000HPS), i use plastic cups when there young, i dont have a pretty little grow tent...but my bud probably isnt gonna be as dank as some of yours, but it'll cost me less. Idk man i'm not tryin to bust ur balls or nothin. I apologize if it seems that way at all. Hey so you really live over there? How is weed there? It cant be better than our CALI weed? lol

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
weed in israel? I don't know, I don't buy nothing. Its pretty rare.
you can find huge emount of hash, that is CRAP.

Thats a good reason to grow, ain't it?

I'm on budget as well, but after my first run I got the investment back ;P
I run a 400W cooltubed in a half-assed tent I made using panda poly and some wood. I do spend large emounts of money on ferts, but I only use them when the plants seem to need it. My soil plants are in pre-fertilized soil. my first investment on the subject cost me around 1400 USD. calculating it down to the electricity bills.
My coco plants should pay for themselves ;D
lol very good reason to grow weed i would say. lol ya i didnt have any money to really put into it, thats really why i haven't been using nutes or anything. but ya man ur right, u do usually get what u put into it. But in my situation i hope that to be not true. lol or else i'll have an 8th to smoke. lol