Please Help (Sexing Plants - Pics)

prime mover

Active Member
This is my first time growing from seed and I'm having problems sexing the plants. Can anyone tell if these are male of female from the pictures I've attached?

Note: My digital camera is not working so I had to take these from my iPhone. Also, I tried to raise the levels a bit for more detail so the color may not look right. If these pictures are not good enough I'll try to post better ones tomorrow.

Thanks all!!



Active Member
Sorry, I can't see a thing. How long since you put them on 12-12? Have a magnifying glass? Your females should be real obvious white whio antennas lol sticking up. Yer guys are more ballsy looking lumps. Good Luck.


Active Member
dude u gotta get sum closer shots real tight in between the leaf branch and the nodes!!!important on top of the node,, right on top, off to the side a little will be a small single protrusion and if its more than one its a ball slang'n dude if only one then fuck her good so she stick around!!!!

prime mover

Active Member
Sorry guys, I have a shitty camera phone and I still can't get mt digital to work!!
I think I have all females. I'll try to get some better pictures posted.
