Please help these plants!


Active Member
My friend has two 8" plants 2ft below a 600w mh bulb for 18hrs a day with fans blowing on them.

A while back, the plants growth stunted and the leaves started curling/browning after she began giving ferts. She flushed the pots and the plants started growing vigorously.

About a week ago she decided to give them ferts since they're so large and don't have any. The plants started curling at the tips again so she flushed the plants. Now it's been days, and the leaves are still curling (new especially). The outermost parts of the leaves are more narrow, and a lighter color green, and the tips are curled and dry. The part of the leaf closest to the stem is full and green.

The lower leaves are yellowing at the edges, then going brown.

Any ideas or suggestions?

-ph is about 7 from tap, she knows it isn't optimal but it hasn't caused any problems so far
-plants are in 50/50 peat/perlite
-not over or underwatered


Well-Known Member
everything sounds fine except the ferts seem to be the problem..what kind is she using? another problem could be the fans blowing on shouldnt have fans blowing directly on the plant..either slighty above or beside the just want to give it a cool breeze.:mrgreen: