please help...weird green growth on top of buds


New Member

  • i have a 4000 watt grow (4-1000 watt hps) in coco. Besides that i have a single 400 watt hanging bulb to help out with the lower growth buds thats on a seperate timer. Because it is on a seperate timer, it turns on and off about 10-15 minutes later than the rest. i am in the last day of week 7 in flower. i have 18 abusive OG (7-8 week flower) and 18 NY sour diesel (9-10 week flower) My lights just came on and i noticed these weird little green pods forming on the very top of the buds, only on the og and only on about 4-5 plants. this is my first time growing and everything seemed to be going fine. i was not sure when exactly to harvest bevasue checking on the trichomes they are still somewhat clear, some are cloudy but no amber. i really dont know what to do. it looks like male pods but ive never seen anything like that form on the tops of the buds and never this late into flower. i know its hard to tell from the pics but im pretty sure they are going hermie even though these little shits are forming at the very tops of the buds, not where the male pods would normally form. i also decided to use co2 because i just got a new unit but dont think i will incferase yield because its so late into flower, could that be the reason for the hermie signs? the top buds are hard and have all orange hairs while the bottom buds are a little softer but all of them have a huge amount of frost all over them. PLEASE HELP!!! i dont want to fuck up my plants right at the very end.

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Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
You buds will swell the most in the last few weeks of flowering so the Co2 should help. I have never heard of female flowers turning male only new male growth so it may be nothing to worry about but mutants to occur. Looks like you are a week or two from harvest so even if they were male tips I doubt they will mature fast enough to crack open and give your buds time enough to form seed.