please help whats wrong with my light!?

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Hi guys im about to enter flowering, they are vegging on cfls now,

When I turn on my hps (400w), it is very dim, and just stays like that. It worked yesterday but now it just doesnt get any brighter than that dim flicker that usually happens before it gets really bright.

I would HATE to have to get a new light setup. anyone know whats wrong?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys im about to enter flowering, they are vegging on cfls now,

When I turn on my hps (400w), it is very dim, and just stays like that. It worked yesterday but now it just doesnt get any brighter than that dim flicker that usually happens before it gets really bright.

I would HATE to have to get a new light setup. anyone know whats wrong?
is your bulb in good condition? if yes it may be an ignitor problem :weed:


Well-Known Member
This may be a stupid suggestion but it happened to me. make sure your bulb is securely in the socket i thought mine was because it seemed to get too hard to turn in my opinion but it wasnt all the way in once i secured it it worked fine

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, I called HTG. They are having me send it to them and they will check it out. Hopefully it gets fixed/replaced soon, these are autoflowering strains from lowlife, and i know 6500k cfls are not good for that.