Please recommend strain!

Looking for strain that is;

-Low aroma
-No taller than 5ft
-Prefurably Indica, but can be sativa
-Ideal for beginners
-Nice yeild
-Good smoke

Recommend the strain you think would fit my needs or something close to it, and what you think is good from personal experience. Also feel free to upload photo's and leave your input on the matter.

Thanks guys! :leaf: One Love :leaf:


Well-Known Member
mandala point of no return..
have mine in a 2 gallon grow bag.. its about 4ft tall, very forgiving and it gives off a fruity smell but still dank, and it have huge colas.. should check em out


Well-Known Member
easy q, il give you an easy a. check out cali connect's gear, id cross out the odor though...i understand that u want it to be stealthy so u want less odor but bro ur going to miss out half of the enjoyment, motivation of planting if theres no whiff of there sweat
Yeah, well I guess the odor is'nt much of an issue if its outdoors, so yeah cross that out. Also would you be able to get me a link of the strain you recommend? Cheers
I do have a number of strains in mind.
Nirvana - Aurora Indica
Nirvana - Kaya Gold
Dutch Passion - Holland's Hope
Dutch Passion - Purple #1

Anyone had experience or have knowledge of these strains?


Active Member
Shishkaberryy a.k.a. Kish from Cash Crop Ken.

It is fruity, but doesn't "smell" too much while budding. It stays within 140% of it's beginning 12/12 height, it is a good producer... and it is stoney as hell! It is Blueberry x Afghani (Red & Blonde Kush cross). In colder climates it turns blue/purple.

What more could you want?
Even in outdoor oz summer heats of 104 degrees? (40 degrees celsius) cos that is really what threw me off NL being indoor plants. Need a real hardy type, but if they are what seed bank?


Active Member
Mandala's Satori, they grow this in spain where temps get well over 40C in summer. plant is a good yeilder, not too long in bud (65-70 days), and the quality of the smoke is second to none
plus Mike and Jasmine at Mandala dont screw you over price: 35 euros for 10 seeds. they have other good strains too, their Safari Mix is fantastic value, 20 euros for 20 seeds, you get some free when you order another strain, the veriety of pheno's usually throws up something worth cloning from . some aquaintances of mine who had been mouthing off about the Cheese, were totally and completely wasted by satori, which allegedly has a THC content of 28% (i dont know about that but it is strong weed anyway).


Active Member
I got mine through vancouver seed bank. They are out right now, but hopefully soon. I wish you luck in your search....


Active Member
Yes it's true, but Kish is no longer available.
I'm glad they are finally getting with the program.

That is too bad Kish is/was amazing. I looked at Cash Crop Ken's other seeds and there are a few I'm going to give a shot before too long. However, I can't recommend anything I haven't tried myself. Sorry to get your hopes up. I didn't realize it was no longer available... I thought they were just temporarily out of stock.