Please someone help! Leaves are Yellow!

So I am a new grower and purchased a grow kit for about 8 plants. Comes with grow light full set of chemicals both for flowering and veg state. I keep seeing that the problem I am getting is yellow bottow leaves. The plants are Blue dream and also some Sour bubble. I stopped nut becuase i was afraid of nut burn so I am flushing them out right now. I will be able to provide pictures soon but until then If anyone could help I would appreciate it cause I am sitting here with 8 healthy plants and some are slightly yellow and I am FREAKING OUT! help pls


Well-Known Member
pictures always help..but it just sounds like normal bottom leaves falling off because they arent getting enough light


Well-Known Member
some bottom leaves will naturally turn yellow and fall off, but if the yellowing moves up the plant it's most likely a nitrogen deficiency. what kind of oil are you using?
what kind of oil or soil? If soil I am using a type of organic sea soil which came with the kit I had purchased. The yellow leaves rnt that bad they r only on the bottom of the plants but I am a bit nervous. If it is light is there a way i can provide efficient light to the lower leaves without burning and can over watering be a problem causing this? I have only had the plants for about a week and they look good nice size and color just the lower area is kinda dying off.


Well-Known Member
im sure the problem is simply that you are giving them nutes period. the soil mix you have probably provides them with enough nutes for about 4-6 weeks so if they are that age or younger that's probably it.
if they are older its just because the plant is naturally losing its bottom leaves so dont worry if that's the case.


Well-Known Member
Flushing was the wrong thing to do now they will probably get even worse, they needed more nutrients not less.

If the yellowing gets worse which it probably will now AND the leaves don't show signs of burn (curling tips downward or tips turning brown) then give it a stronger mix of veg nutes. Nitrogen deficiency...