Please Tell Me What's Wrong With These Leaves!


These leaves are my most current pics of the problem that I can't seem to evade... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE someone tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with them!!!DSCF2781.JPGDSCF2784.JPGDSCF2773.JPGDSCF2776.JPGDSCF2774.JPGDSCF2784.JPGDSCF2781.JPGDSCF2773.JPGDSCF2776.JPGDSCF2774.JPG


I need answers NOW my fellow green growers! Please leave your wise diagnosis... I can't afford to loose these girls!!!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It looks like it could be a number of things, PH may be off, Over Fertilization or cal/mag deficiency. I would start by checking the first two items.


It looks like it could be a number of things, PH may be off, Over Fertilization or cal/mag deficiency. I would start by checking the first two items.
I grow in Clay balls so my Ph is stable at 5.8 and my CF level is 10.... Why would I have a cal/mag def???


I grow in Clay balls so my Ph is stable at 5.8 and my CF level is 10.... Why would I have a cal/mag def???
And to add to that.... Previously my CF levels WERE almost double the current levels. Notice how all the leaves have Red/Purple Stems???


Well-Known Member
I can't preach this enough but I think its a mag def.. Alot of people don't realize how much magnesium a cannabis plant uses during flowering and these food companies just don't add enough. I have repeating this many times and will continue, check your soils ph ( if your using soil ) and make sure its around 6.5 because if it is low your probably getting a ph lockout and usually the thing that gets locked out is magnesium. I had a problem that looked exactly like yours for almost 2 years using promix and i was determa to figure out what was causing it ( it was now a mission ) and come to find out that by time the ladies were a couple weeks into flower that all the lime in there had been depleted and my ph (of the soil) went down to 5.3 which causes lockout. Most soils and soiless mixes consist of peat which is acidic thus when lime is depleted causes your soils ph to drop.. good luck dude o ya and don't bother trying the method of running higher ph'd water thru ur pots to bring your ph up because it simple doesn't work, you have to nip the problem in the BUD and ammend your soil before hand


I can't preach this enough but I think its a mag def.. Alot of people don't realize how much magnesium a cannabis plant uses during flowering and these food companies just don't add enough
OK but I'm not in the flowering period..... I'm in Veg!


Well-Known Member
ahhhhh ok so give us a breakdown of your setup, and that post was for future reference lol. I see that ur hydro? my bad didn't bother looking at ur pots just your leaves


I can't preach this enough but I think its a mag def.. Alot of people don't realize how much magnesium a cannabis plant uses during flowering and these food companies just don't add enough. I have repeating this many times and will continue, check your soils ph ( if your using soil ) and make sure its around 6.5 because if it is low your probably getting a ph lockout and usually the thing that gets locked out is magnesium. I had a problem that looked exactly like yours for almost 2 years using promix and i was determa to figure out what was causing it ( it was now a mission ) and come to find out that by time the ladies were a couple weeks into flower that all the lime in there had been depleted and my ph (of the soil) went down to 5.3 which causes lockout. Most soils and soiless mixes consist of peat which is acidic thus when lime is depleted causes your soils ph to drop.. good luck dude o ya and don't bother trying the method of running higher ph'd water thru ur pots to bring your ph up because it simple doesn't work, you have to nip the problem in the BUD and ammend your soil before hand
And I'm growing in clay balls.... No soil!


ahhhhh ok so give us a breakdown of your setup, and that post was for future reference lol. I see that ur hydro? my bad didn't bother looking at ur pots just your leaves
Its a recirculating Drip System.... 1000w with temps at 24oC.... Plants are only slowly (but surely) growing and new growth still remains lush....


Hey bud i have a few books on leaves and how to grow... by the pictures you posted I would says the plant has a K deficiency..Potassium. my books have yet to let me down. Good luck


Hey bud i have a few books on leaves and how to grow... by the pictures you posted I would says the plant has a K deficiency..Potassium. my books have yet to let me down. Good luck
Thanks heaps man... Why would this be happening.... Which it has constantly for over a year... I have NEVER had a successful grow!!!


Well-Known Member
so it's hydro.. don't really know that much about hydro (or clay ballz) but i do know that you have to keep a close eye on ph, ppm and heat issues. good luck


Well-Known Member
I would say your plant has a calcium and magnesium deficiency as well (yellowing from outter edge leaves, dark spots). However, it doesn't mean that by adding these that the plant will resolve itself. It is often other factors that cause the plant to be unable to utilise these elements, and generally a PH lock out, or nutrient lockout would be the catalyst for that. I cannot really comment on your PH level as I only grow organic. I have also seen plants perfectly healthy with purple stems so perhaps part of your plants genetic makeup.

How is the new growth on the plant? And what do you feed them at the moment? And have you changed anything recently (increased nutrients, reduced nutrients, changed PH, etc).

Peace DST


Give me pictures on whole plant ...what's your nutes company's and strengths? When seen this in my grow i had an extra purple fan leave stems are not problem. will get better over time .Wood ash (potash) some people add to there res...but be careful potash is ph 10 so you will need a ph lowering mix to bring it down to 6.5.