Police and sheriff close by

hello my fellow smokers

SWIM (someone who isn't me) has recently moved into a new aparment complex that seemd preety nice up until recently when SWIM noticed
a police officer lives in the adjacent building probably 35 Ft away
and a county sheriff live in another a little further

SWIM only wants a personal stash maybe 4-8 a few times a year
SWIM is experienced with carbon filters, ONA, Odor eliminating CFL's for the space outside the box ect. but never in such close quarters

also SWIM does not live in a medical marijuana state...

SWIM would like to kno...

what the highly experienced think of this type of situation?

carbon filter gonne be enough?

what would you do if this were you?

any added precautions SWIM should take?


Well-Known Member
does SWIM know how to swim?

nah, bro jus kidding!

if he is the paranoid type, not worth it, but if he aint, all for it then.


Well-Known Member
All I know is I grow in my house and I run a carbon filter and you cant smell anything. Carbon filters do their job .


Active Member
In addition to carbon filters and standard advice, you can mask smells with other strong smelling things. Cedar chips work well and will even confuse a drug sniffing dog.

El Superbeasto

Active Member
Tell Swim to get really long ducting and vent the smell into the cops house, so people think he is growing.

Seriously though, carbon filters, Ona, and Ozone work great. Don't even need all 3. All I use is Ona.