Police: YouTube videos lead to pot bust


Active Member
I always think about this happening when I see grows on youtube that are not in legal areas.

People are getting really comfortable. It must be because they see so many legal growers posting they just assume they can get away with it

bomb hills

Well-Known Member
Gotta be more careful! The dude took a video of a package that had his name and address.... Sill I wish him the best, no one should be in jail for gardening.


Well-Known Member

I believe this is in Michigan but could happen anywhere. All it takes is one bad angle. Careful out there guys and gals.
Maybe it's the youtube videos that had the police coming to my house all season......... NAHHHHHHH! it was the neighbors calling the cops!

He's in new hampshire and shows a package he got with his name and address on it, and his face shows in the reflection.... LOL!
I can't say I haven't don't all the same video crap though, If you know my area it would be pretty easy to pinpoint my neighborhood then my house! Lucky for me, I don't get arrested when the police come! I just show them my plants and ask if they want to smoke with me or yell at them and tell them to stay the fuck off my property, just depends on my mood at the time!


Well-Known Member
Those 16 plants had a street value of 3,000,000 don't you know and he was selling in playgrounds.


Active Member
I wonder how much manpower and cost it took to nab the guy that was growing in a "high tech" closet in his basement? What a freakin' joke.