police ??????????????????????


Well-Known Member
Only if they saw you there, or you left incriminating evidence around it.


Well-Known Member
if you left finger prints and that have you on file.. if they saw you in the grow area.. or if someone can positively identify you.. but regardless of how they would they would still need you to have some sort of record with them.. or catch you in the act.. its highly unlikely they can trace it back to you without catching you in the act...


Well-Known Member
Technically, yes. Practically? Nah.

Like everyone else said, unless they are able to catch you in the act - and I've heard of LEO leaving cameras trained on a grow in hopes of catching an image of the grower's face - there is very little chance that they will trace a grow back to the grower. Hell, even in INDOOR grows sometimes they never find the person behind the growing... they just arrest all the workers who live in the house and tend the plants.

This is, of course, assuming that you don't leave them any evidence. If you've ever been fingerprinted then it wouldn't be hard for them to pull prints of water jugs, nute bottles, etc, and trace it back to you. If you aren't in the system then even fingerprints won't do them any good but it's better not to leave them in the first place =)


well the main reason why im worried is i have a trail right along my house leading to it!!! and i heard fingerprints get destroyed in rain so i might be good on the pot?


Well-Known Member
umm.. well.. if you planted a grow.. on a trail that leads directly to/from your house.. where it would obviously be you who did it.. then maybe.. just maybe.. you picked a shit spot to grow in.. just a thought.. throwing it out there.. but maybe next time.. if you plan on doing this again.. you get a better spot that isnt so.. conspicuous.. dangerously close to you... make it somewhere that you can not be implicated in the crime should it be found...


the only reason im worried is if they found it with a helicopters infrared its hidden well trust me im just saying if they found it against all odds


Well-Known Member
Plants all look the same with the kind of thermal imaging LEO uses. They could spot it from the air depending on whether or not it's blending in with it's surroundings. I've heard of people tying fake flowers on their plants to "camouflage" them. But yeah, if it's in your yard then they can definitely trace it back to you!