Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


Well-Known Member
well, you do claim that nazis were liberals instead of far right wing nationalists, so there's really no limit to what type of revisionist or denialist history you will espouse.
Nazis were leftists, like yourself. Opposite of classic liberals. Soviet communists with a national scope and a racist flair.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
There are a lot of things we still don't know. It's pretty obvious that humans have an impact on global warming, but the true long term effects are not all known. For example, if you look at natural cycles, we are due for another "little ice age". If that's the case, some global warming might hit the spot in the future.
Or not.
We really don't know. It might even speed up the natural cycle, which probably wouldn't be a good thing.

It's a lot like the US economy. Economists act like they know what's going to happen, but we are in uncharted territory. When financial advisors say "past performance is no guarantee of future performance", they are serious and you should listen.
Past performance doesn't mean squat when our economy is in an unknown state. o_O

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
The count having a blood drive.

They aren't really of two minds. They don't seem to have anxiety over any disconnect. There is disconnect. The nation is being locomoted by neofacists now instead of neolibrals. If they are the head certainly we , the body are in disagreement and anxiety over it. At least we realize now that are leaders don't represent our best interest. Where as with the neolibrals, people thought we where making progress. Look at the charts u.s.a. is libral right wing but our presidents have been authoritarian right wing. Yet more and more people are identifing as having social Democratic or more libral or more left wing views. Left wing and liberal people end up voting for right wing candidates because they want to vote for the democrat or the change candidates.