pollination question


Well-Known Member
Hello ,
I have a lovely blue dream pheno that I just harvested
But left 3 lower buds on. I am light stressing it trying to get some nanas on to collect the pollen.
If this is successful (which I also could use some feedback on) I want to use the pollen to pollinate a beautiful GDP that I have been cloning for a long time.
My 9 GDP fems are in a 4'x4' tent. I only want to pollinate 1 branch on 1 of the FEMS. How do I go about this without contaminating the rest of the plants?
Can I pollinate the branch in another room , then put it back into my flower room? How long do I need to wait before I can put it back in?
Do I need to blow it off after a day or 2?
Also , will stressed fem pollen carry the genes of the BD lineage?
If this works , I assume the seeds from the GDP branch will be mostly feminized?
Thanks everyone


Active Member
I also would like to know if this method of forcing nannas is a reasonable way of getting viable pollen?
gitarre there's plenty of good threads here on pollinating methods. The 'stickied' ones are worth reading. I too am learning this side of growing.
Most suggest using a small artists brush to apply the pollen. Be gentle. If you want to control where the seeds grow then of course pollinating in another room is prudent. Keep separated for a few hours & then mist your plant thoroughly before putting back into grow room. Or some say use a hairdryer on cool setting to blow any excess pollen away.
But do your self a favour & read the stickys, you'll be glad you did.
Its best to have the plant you want to collect pollen from in a separate room so no accidents happen. Once it starts to release pollen(with fems you have to collect the nanas and sift the pollen I believe) take the plants you want to pollinate out of the tent and select the branches you want to hit with the pollen. You can wait a day or so but I put mine right back in the tent since I seclude the branches with a bread bag or sandwich bag or just spray with water to kill off excess pollen.