Possible Nitro deficiency, HELP!


Well-Known Member
So, from reading the guides and other posts on here, I think my plants have some nitro deficiency. This is my first real grow so I'm a complete n00b.

I planted in the MG time-released soil. (I know a lot of people hate it, but I figured it would make things simple for my first grow since I wouldn't have to worry about the nutes so much). I think that plan is starting to backfire on me. I just can't figure out why they would be deficient so early.

From the pics, you can tell they were thirsty. I just watered them before taking the pictures, but I had given them a few days without water because I was worried the soil was over-ferting them.

Any advice on what to do now? Do you think it will just correct itself with watering and releasing more of the fertilizer? Do plants sometimes start out like this then balance out?

I plan on transplanting in the next few days, so I need to decide to put them in more Miracle grow time-released stuff, potting soil, and perlite or I guess I can go buy more soil. I have perlite, MG potting soil and MG time released already, so if I can figure out a way to make that work it will be best.

Thanks for any tips/comments.


Well-Known Member
pictures arent up...

how long have the plants been in this soil? it could be that the nitrogen is no longer being released. ill wait for the pics


Well-Known Member
more than likely it is burn.. the prob w/ mg soil is it releases ferts every time you water.. baby pot plants don't like fert until they are about 2-4 weeks old (i would personally say 3-4).. or have at least a good 3-4 sets of nodes on em.. also, you cannot flush mg soil.. the more water you put through, the more fert is released. that is the big reason i think people don't like it..mn


Well-Known Member
more than likely it is burn.. the prob w/ mg soil is it releases ferts every time you water.. baby pot plants don't like fert until they are about 2-4 weeks old (i would personally say 3-4).. or have at least a good 3-4 sets of nodes on em.. also, you cannot flush mg soil.. the more water you put through, the more fert is released. that is the big reason i think people don't like it..mn
everything you said is right, and also i thought you might like to know your 2 posts away from 420 posts!


Well-Known Member
OK. That makes sense. So I guess the next question is, it won't kill them right? I mean they aren't happy but they seem to be doing decent enough, so they'll just keep growing and then be OK right? I think my plan for transplant will be to put the time released stuff at the bottom mixed with plenty of perlite, and put the potting soil and I may have gotten seed starter (not positive) up closer to where the roots will be for a while. Maybe that will help?

I will try to transplant before my next water.


Well-Known Member
def over watered, and the over watering could have caused some nute burn by releasing too much nutes from the MG soil. def wait untill the soil drys out atleast an inch down between waterings; over watering is probably the #1 noobie mistake.

the leaf thats curling up could be from high temps or ph imballance

good growing bro!


Well-Known Member
Actually I was afraid of over-watering, so I waited 4 days from the last water and they started to droop like that from not having water, rather than the other way around.

Also, from what I have read, this still looks like not enough nitrogen rather than the other way around. I have been pretty careful to not over water.


Well-Known Member
well i see over watering way more than underwatering, ive read they look the same

also, your gonna want to play it super easy when supplementing your MG with nutes. id start with something simple like a low dose of epsom salt