Post a pic of silly plant containers


Well-Known Member
you're "useless". how's that for criticism? lololololol :-P j/k

clear pots being bad is a myth. View attachment 293801

Is it? If a pot is clear plastic, usually the roots won't fill the whole pot. At least this is what I have noticed.

With black pots, when you transplant, the root mass is always touching all the sides of the pot.

I always thought light was bad for roots?



Well-Known Member
Theres a 1,000 rights and wrongs..what works for one, screws another... I read more then once about not using clear pots..shit, I've told that to people.. but I have used clear plastic cups myself......


Well-Known Member

Is it? If a pot is clear plastic, usually the roots won't fill the whole pot. At least this is what I have noticed.

With black pots, when you transplant, the root mass is always touching all the sides of the pot.

I always thought light was bad for roots?

i could be wrong. :-P


Well-Known Member
Selected Products for Garden Centres

Clear Pots for Orchids
Robust, transparent pots for orchids

Clear plastic pots are ideal for epiphytic orchids such as Phalaenopsis (the most popular species) which benefit from light getting to their root systems. These pots promote healthy roots by allowing filtered light into the root ball, simulating natural growing conditions. This is evident when wet orchid roots have a green appearance - a sign of chlorophyll presence for photosynthesis. Transparent pots also help new orchid enthusiasts to see when to water.

  • Made from thicker polymer than other makes – very robust.
  • Available in 8.5 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm and 17 cm.


Well-Known Member
when I clone I take the cuttling and put it in a 2" pot with clay balls and flip a cheep clear plastic cup over them... It works well for me, but a good Idea for you.