post you fav mix drinks here

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
You'll like this - Cherryade and Vanilla milkshake with tobasco and ice! (i found it nice...having said that I wasn't quite sober at the time...)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
petrol and blackcurrant.

lee scratch perry drinks them! if that celebrity endorsement doesnt make you want to drink petrol i dont know what will

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
water and ice is one of my favorite mixes. but as far as booz gotta go with rum and coke, with a joint on the side


Active Member
The only time Ive ever had sex that I was regretting AS it was happening. That big ol girl got me drunk and in bed. haha..god damn.


Well-Known Member
Bombay and Lime
Hey Kaleoxxx, try the Red Bull and Vodka with sugar-free Red Bull, you won't feel as crappy the next day. Sugar is bad with booze.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

nothing but beer. although i must confess i'm drinking sake right now, and i don't get the point, it's not a pleasant experience.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
japanese rice wine. lovely stuff, i prefere mine at around 18 degrees, but even at only 20% it's still got that unpleasant spirit kick to it that always catches me out :P