post your favorite Palin quote


Well-Known Member
Ya know, I'm just tickled pink over all the angst Obama is giving conservatives. Payback for all those fucking horrible years of that douche, Dubya. I can't really even get mad at them. It's more like rubbing salt into the wounds. Just listening to them rant gives me a fuzzy feeling, Hoorahh!
And we're humored by the sheer terror Leftists show for a woman who holds no office. Your contempt for this woman is telling. A woman whose book merited eleven AP fact checkers when no book by B.H.O. was fact checked at all by the AP.

Try as you might you cannot dismiss her because she speaks to the common people in Middle America. All them Joe the Plumbers out there. The massive crowds she attracts and the sales of her book do not lie.

Personally, I hope she doesn't run for office outside of her home state. As a politician she does not really impress me. But as a political figure, she's awesome. And I love the way she churns you clowns up.


Well-Known Member
guys i'm sorry but there are no palin quotes.
whenever she starts talking i don't hear words, jst a long and loud warning siren that tells me to get away as quick as possible, cause this woman is a total fanny.
regardless of her politics, she is just a fanny.

like wendy alexander (former leader of scottish labour) if anyone knows about her.
or jacqui smith (former UK home secretary)

they're just inadequate wankbags.


Well-Known Member
Oh this is by far the worst and scariest...

"A vice president has a really great job because not only are they there to support the president's agenda, they're there like the team member, the teammate to the president," Palin continued. “But also, they're in charge of the United States Senate, so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom. And it's a great job and I look forward to having that job.”

It's in freaking Article I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
