Post Your VICIOUS Pitbulls


Active Member
True about the pit bulls, they are only as nice as their owners.
Pit bulls are similar to guns in that regard. Both made for killing, both can be respected and housed properly, both get a bad reputation from their bad owners. Pit bull owners just need to realize that the stigma will never go away

Porky B

Well-Known Member
Anyone see the Dog Whisperer episode where he gets called out to a pit bull rescue for a Major aggressive dog case. Turns out it was a little Chihuahua that was terrorizing a bunch of pit bulls! Hilarious! He laughed too!

Green Inferno

Active Member
Pit bulls are similar to guns in that regard. Both made for killing, both can be respected and housed properly, both get a bad reputation from their bad owners. Pit bull owners just need to realize that the stigma will never go away
If my dog was brought up by idiots, she would have potential to be a killer.
But she is the biggest baby ever. Although she would give her life for me if it came to that.
Only if it came to that.


Active Member
Chicago Man Mauled by Golden Retrievers


See any breed and most ppl think labs are the nicest its not the breed its the owner


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure thats a cane corso, those things are mean looking. Supposed to be the supreme guard dog.


Well-Known Member
proven fact and no im not gonna look up links but over 80% of all pitbull attacks reported by pitbulls are not pitbulls or a pitbull mix...i have bred pits for over 22 years and have had 100 plus dogs over those years i have done alotta research ..pits have one of the best dispisitions


Well-Known Member
Over the years I have been bitten by a Dalmatian, Border Collie, mix breed mutt, and a small Doberman Pincher.

Ive been growled at and had teeth shown at me by my friends 2 Rottweilers and another friends Chow Chow.

I've never even once been intimidated by any of my friends Pit-Bulls.


Well-Known Member
that beast dog is a cane corso. ive owned a chocolate lab and now have two rhodesian ridgebacks


Well-Known Member
Proven fact, and no, I'm not going to look up links, but the earth is the center of the solar system.
do not try to debate with me on pitbulls son U WILL LOSE!!!!!!! u have been piss and vinegar all fucking nite im tired of reading your bullshit post putting down or trying to correct people


New Member
do not try to debate with me on pitbulls son U WILL LOSE!!!!!!! u have been piss and vinegar all fucking nite im tired of reading your bullshit post putting down or trying to correct people
Trust me kid, making up stats, capitalizing random words, and using way too many exclamation points does not make you factually correct.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I couldn't care for the argument over whether they are or are not dangerous, regardless of the "truth" i've certainly read a whole lot of stories of kids being mauled or killed.

Personally, if it's not a vicious monster then i'm not sure why anyone would bother owning em, they're ugly fuckers. Although for some reason only ones i ever really see are being walked through the street by a hobo on an old bike :lol: