Pot advocates thoughts on gun control, what do you think?

I came from a law enforcement family, where I grew up respecting the law and with a mindset against weed. I realized all of the B.S. was never backed up with actual facts, and so I decided to try smoking it. Since then my eyes have been opened to the way the world works in a lot of ways, and before I was always pro-gun as I am now, and a Republican, but now I realize how increasingly corrupt our federal government is.

I feel like marijuana legalization advocates, along with gun rights groups and marriage equality groups need to band together and use the argument that the Federal Government, or any government for that matter, has absolutely no right to regulate the personal liberties of the individual American. New York has been deemed the least free state in the country- looks like we need to move Lady Liberty somewhere else, cause apparently she has lost the battle in that state.

My point is- how can anyone say what is okay, or not okay, for another person to do with their own life, whether its smoke pot, or own an adequate gun to protect their family and country, or marry whomever they love.

Guns can be a bit touchy, cause they are used as tools in crimes, but at the same time, they are used to prevent crimes, ease some mindsets (for the most part, until the unfortunate day comes where they need to be used), and they keep the federal government working for the people. I'm sure a lot of people on this forum have first hand experience with the government attempting to intervene in their lives and "improve society" when in reality they are just quelling the masses and keeping public employees employed.

I think basically, if the Republican party is going to survive and continue to exist, they are going to have to give up on caring about whether or not gays can get married, whether pot is legalized, and push more towards a libertarian side of the political spectrum, and away from the big statist views that all of the old, bible clinging politicians are advocating. I don't have anything against the bible, or god, but this country was founded on the principle that religion changes, and that the government should evolve, separate from religion, not always skimming through the bible for answers.

I'm a bit tired so I may have rambled a bit, and don't know where I'm going with this, but I'd like to hear your opinions.

Even if you think 'assault weapons' should be banned, do you really think its fair to say what you believe in is okay to be legal, but what another group believes in is a different story?



New Member
good post, nobody believes in gun control thats just a bunch of propganda, don't expect to get some response on that unless someone is trolling.