pot size?

Team Green

Active Member

this is my first plant. its only 2 weeks old. .. and is it suspose to be that long?. and have that many leaves?. like ive looked up other pics of same age and theirs are short and have more leaves

Team Green

Active Member
is that because the light was too far away at first?. and when i transplant it could i just put soil on the top? to make it shorter?

Team Green

Active Member
well at first i was changing between my downstairs florescent light and my 75 watt soft white light bulb.. but now im using a CFL light buld.. its like 25 watts but its equal to 100w soft white light bulb.


Active Member
Hey if you want monster plants I'd highly suggest to restart and invest into a 400wmh/hps conversion basically the ballast lets you use both bulbs so you dont have to spend more flow. Probably looking at around 200$ if not cheaper it'll be worth it in the long run trust me!

Team Green

Active Member
hm that would be good. would it be worth it if i transplant the plant outside when it gets too big?. or would that be better if i just grow indoors?.

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
well like right now, im living at home with my mom and brother.. and she is against anything to do with drugs so im growing on the down low in my closet and when it gets bigger im going to have to move it outside in the woods somewhere.

i mean like if i buy that thing u mentioned would it be worth it if i later moved the plant outside.. or should i wait to buy it when i make a grow room when the plants would be indoors at all times


Active Member
Lots of people veg there plants before spring and then they plant it outdoors and they have monsters you could buy the 400w and do it that way or just wait, im not sure if you veg it with what you have now it'll be strong enough to withstand outdoor conditions. Know what im saying ?

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
yeah i understand what your saying. the light i have now is just a desk lamp with a small CLF bulb in it.. i plan on upgrading but i just started growing with my first plant so i needed something.


New Member
I would think something that small could be hidden in your back yard until ready to plant else where. No? better off with the sun compared to what you are using. Grow a few tomato plants and mix it in...ur mom won't know the difference. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
yeah but i have a small backyard.. and she loves gardening so she is out there alot weeding, and everything. so its hard to do that.. but i drove around and checked out some nice hidden untouched places which would be nice