Potassium def


Looking at the def guide I am leaning towards a potassium def so I need a good potassium based nute any ideas, please.


It's on nft table in 3 inch rock wool using ecolizer nutes I'm flushing with just pk 4/8 right now


Well-Known Member
I really notice the color of that plants stem and branches. Purple/gray? Not a color I recognize as healthy. Lacking experience growing, can't hazard a guess. Hope you get it turned around.


I've been growing roughly 2 years so yeh quite new to it all really but all the advice is slowly building my knowledge


Well-Known Member
My first grow, one plant. It's doing pretty well but has issues. Not life threatening ones but issues I'd like to know so I don't repeat them or make them worse. After reading lots and having a pretty experienced grower friend check I "think" I know. My learning curve is still way steep right now. Before I began I started reading and damn near every search I ended up on riu. So I joined after having lots of help reading others experiences. I hope you get some helpful info.


Temps are generally 25c unless it's red hot here rh around 40% lights on 60% lights off lamps are 400 superveg to be honest I dont think it's conditions but hey I'm asking for advice