Potassium with Super Soil outdoors

So I have some free deuce deuce from humboldt nutrients. Its an organic potassium supplement that your supposed to use during the last 3 weeks of flower (now). I know that subcool does not reccomend using supplements with the super soil, but I got it for free and its expensive shit so i thought id ask. its organic too so i thought that might make a difference.

anyone ever use a potassium supplement with super soil?
well no help from you all. but if anyone was interested heres the answer to my question:

The K comes from two places in super soil. #1 is the kelp meal that Aurora mixes in with the Roots soil. #2 is the K that is released over time from all the coco in the Roots soil. As coir breaks down, it releases K over time. That's why when using liquid mineral ferts in straight coco, you have to back the K off a bit in your mix so you don't lock out Ca, Mg, and N." - subcool

So no use in giving them anymore i guess they must have plenty.