Potential problem?


Active Member
Just looked at my baby today and saw she has some brown spots on 1 of her initial leaves. it started with 1 brown spot and now it's 2 slightly larger ones, but isolated to that leaf for the time being. Is this gonna be a problem? I've given it virtually no nutrients and I have a ph meter but it doesn't seem to work, or my soil is at a ph of like 8-9. >.< Any ideas? It also does have 1 wierd marking along with the purple tips to the leaves, but the tips have been that way since it sprouted 10 days ago.



Well-Known Member
and I would watch your watering if you have purple stems you might be root bound or have lockout of oxygen to the roots..could be too much water or not a big enough pot


Active Member
Okay so that's fairly normal then? It's my first plant so maybe i'm just overly cautious with it. my other 2 growing aren't as important as the oldest :mrgreen:


Active Member
well I have plenty of perlite in the soil, I only water when it feels bone dry, and i'm using some of those peat pot things. gimme a minute and I can take a pic of my half ass setup. they seem to be growing fine and healthy, specially my other 2, but that 1 has had purple tips since it sprouted, doesn't get too cold in my grow room though, and i'm not sure if the roots are bound, i hope not :cry:

Edit: setup!
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj314/weedlogic/plant005.jpg the lights, raised so i could snap a pic
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj314/weedlogic/plant004.jpg The plants, with the biggest next to 1 bulb and the smaller ones sharing a bulb.

the bulbs are 43 watts each, and i have an old lamp reflector thingy hangin over em so not much light escapes.


Active Member
Wow damn, just saw that my roots had actually been growing out of the bottom of the peat thing, so i went ahead and transplanted em into some big pots where they can stretch out and grow. will let ya know in a day or 2 if that fixes the purple tips.


Active Member
Did it work? I have 6" plants in 4" conatainers because I've been waiting on the right soil to get here. Roots out of the bottom, lower leaves yellowing. It's too bad since they are such healthy looking plants otherwise.


Active Member
cool i'l do that. plan on repotting tomorrow into 60% promix 20%perlite 20%cococoir with some lime mixed in.