Potential Thieves (2 Kids, Pool guy, and a mexican landscaper)

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
Ok i go on a holiday, leaving my sister in charge of shit (HORRIBLE IDEA) and this is what the fuck happens... First off she had a fucking party in the back yard over the weekend and apparently 2 kids stumbled on my grow & my sister said she had to ask them several times to stay away from my FUCKING GARDEN! (what a dumb ass) then a sink hole happens in my yard and the pool guy had to come do an emergency shut off or something and he seen my garden... -_- Then a Landscaper who was told to stay out of the back yard was caught in the back yard again claiming he never understood the terms... (Yea ok buddy :/ )

I was forced to find a new location due to the bullshit!

unfortunately the only spot i feel some what safe about isnt the most ideal sun light and space :(

HUGE QUESTION.... do u guys think i can still get away with a successful grow under this sun and in this space?? im very upset about the move but simply had no choice

any feed back will truly be greatly appreciated.

**notice how only half of the garden really gets full sun the fence blocks the other half :(



Well-Known Member
Well if the kids are teenagers then you can bet they've told everyone in their little social circle about it. And we. damn well know the landscaper was back there checking em out and his moutth was watering. I'm also wiling to bet everyone at the party got a full look at em as well. I would have probably went bbatshit on herr for throwing a party there. Rregardless though you should go pick up a driveway alarm or 2. Turn those things on high and keep em with you at night. I'd say there's a 99% chance that someone's going to pay you a night visit in the very near future. Hell the kids will rip it and smoke the leaves cause kids be dumb yo. Is your sis expecting smoke from it?

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
i dont live with my mom dumb ass :bigjoint: and yes im NOT a professional grower hence the name (its also kind of a joke since i deff got a green thumb) hehe :weed: .... anyway yea they are in there new home now so if ppl do return back they will be confused for sure I guess time will tell if the close walls will put a toll on the devolvement of the lower branches :confused::confused:.... (SEE PIX) & yea do they sell battery operated motion sensors like some cheep shit that accually works and easy to install??? i wanna set a few up in new and old locations so i can kick some ass if they go off:fire:

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
yea i mean my sis doesn't really know shit about the process and is ignorant about the time and hard work it takes to successfully pull off a clean opp, its not really her fault shes just a space cadet.... Im not doing this to sell as u can see i only have 3 fuckin plants im doing this for experience, for the love and art of growing cannabis, and most importantly to share with my Family and close friends and my girls bunny loves eating the leaves :mrgreen:... so yea if im successful in the end my sister will get some smoke but she will get put on trim duty thats for damn sure!!! :clap:


Well-Known Member
Time for you to groom your 'sister' for some internal family biz, like she deal 4 u ...lol as you obviously have blown ur rep out the locale ...lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can find em cheap at Walmart or just about anywhere. Look for "driveway alarms". The motion detector is small. Easy to hide. I've rigged one up inside a birdhouse. They're battery powered. Then you have a receiver you keep inside. It looks like a baby monitor. Just keep it in your bedroom at night and it'll go off if anything comes close to it. Yes I had birds sett it off lol. They're pretty sensative. just get one for both sides and yiu should be set. So you in a legal state or no? If not I'd be more worried about that then being ripped.


Well-Known Member
Pin a sheet of white plastic to the side of the building so the light will reflect back at the fence. I would suggest foil back styrofoam but that might draw too much attention. Plastic could just be explained as a temp fix for a leak


Well-Known Member
Similar thing happened to me when i lived in my other house right before i harvested. So what i did was chop them a little early and had that driveway "alarm" setup and the kid came back at 1am i actually was able to catch the kid and i called the cops while i was waiting for them to arrive i messed up my garage tools a little 45k worth of equipment and tools and said he broke into my house and found him on my garage but i don't want to press charges as long as his parents come pick him up... yYEA i know i played a little dirty but fuck him and let's just say his parents were not to happy and prob. Beat the shot out of him.

something to think about if you catch anyone back there.


Well-Known Member
Too much LOL, poor guy is out for a little help and all you Fungus Gnat's just want to make fun of him LMAO!