potting idea


Well-Known Member
well, I heard that a long deep root system is ideal if you want a healthy plant - something like the pots on this website (refer to image below)


Anway... here's my idea to mimic the small ones with a design that costs $0, that can transplanted directly into a larger container without removing from the bottle OR cutting up roots.
using a 1-2L pop bottle (I'm going with a 1L & 2L Dr.Pepper bottle)
-pop bottle
-cut the top bit somewhere between the label and the neck, depending on the diameter you want the top opening to be.
-cut some drainage holes in the bottom
-now, make a VERTICAL incision on the top you've just got off starting from the bottom (the part you cut from the rest of the bottle) and ending about 2/3 of the way to the top opening.
-insert the top, upside-down, into the bottom of the bottle. It should slide in nicely but be rather firm in place, because the slit you cut in it allows it to contract a little bit.
-place planting medium in bottle!

You're done for now, but when you're ready to transplant the very bottom should have more than an inch of space the roots & soil couldn't reach, giving you some room to cut off the bottom end of the bottle and... stick into the ground?

The one thing to be careful about here is not to let everything fall through when you cut off the bottom... cut almost all of the way around the bottom when transplanting, and hold the insert part while you make the final cut - then holding it sideways, remove the insert (because I'd imagine the bottle opening on the insert would be a little too small for a good root-system to penetrate - I imagine if it's well-rooted it should be fairly easy to do without causing a disaster...

You could also prep your next pot or the ground you'd next be planting in by just placing a 2L bottle upside down in the soil to give it the right shape for the root-ball that will later be occupying it.
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Well-Known Member
When I'm high random shit pops into my head and I always think it's a great idea at the time, but often in retrospect it's either insignificant or there's a huge and obvious flaw I missed... this is one of those times, sooo criticism is welcome - anything wrong with my idea? It seemed brilliant as it hit me when I guzzled the last couple drops of Dr.P to cure my cottonmouth, anyone else care to comment?


Well-Known Member
ok... my prototype looks fine but it's now occurred to me that this probably saves no one anymore than a trip to the garden store and 20 cents. lol


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good idea, 1 of my friends that grew had a hydro system with 2 liter bottles, the bttms were cut out and they were upside down and the nozzle screwed into pvc fittings, anyway the more ideas that people have the better!! get pics up when your done, and let us all know how it works out!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
done growing in one or making one? I'd love to show you the 2 I just made but don't have a digital camera, but even if I did they're nothing but bottles full of dirt right now :mrgreen:

anyway I'm a noob @ growing (have 3 possibly dieing seedlings in jiffy pots right now, first 3 plants I've grown) but I'm going to give this a try. I now have real potting soil and think that my first 3 may have suffered from being planted in mystery-soil that could have been too fertilized for them... so I'll give round #2 a shot using these bottle-pots and my new potting soil that actually came from a garden center.


Well-Known Member
here is one thing I thought of, Dr.Pepper bttles are clear right?? this can pose as a problem....

The roots of your plant will go into shock if exposed to any sort of bright light, and they will get root bound so the roots will show through the bttles even with the sticker still on, I say try to use a bttle that isnt clear, mt. dew.?? 7up?? or better yet spray paint the outer bttle...


Well-Known Member
good call, I foolishly thought the label would block light but - but now that I think of it it obviously wouldn't do so entirely. I'm not sure what 7 up bottles you're talking about but the ones sold in my area are transparent too. I don't have any spray paint handy, can you think of a reason I might regret shrouding them in duct tape? lmao :roll:


Well-Known Member
ok... my prototype looks fine but it's now occurred to me that this probably saves no one anymore than a trip to the garden store and 20 cents. lol
I think your idea is quite clever.
such innovative thinking is something to be proud of.


Well-Known Member
duct tape is a good choice. blocks light,
and it would have no negative effect on your
assuming that you wrap the exterior of the bottle :)