Powder Mold?


Well-Known Member
also cut off all heavily infected leaves,make sure you dont mis a spot,put in extra air circulation and make sure humidity is below 60,you can use sulfur spray on plants not infected to safeguard them and use sm900 or safers spray that is for PM.but remember the first week is crucial you have to hit it hard and stay on it,you do not want it to control you,so you must control it.


Well-Known Member
Is there any house hold remedy out there? Sorta broke right now and cant afford to get any sm-90
milk my friend is a godsend, i recently got powdery mildew and aftr hours of reserach decided to use milk and 2 applications it is gone.
1 part milk 9 parts water sprayed all ovr the plant and removed the more infected leaves it was almost all gone after the first spray and 4 days later after the second spray i cant see any, im going to spray again in a couple of days when i next water them


Well-Known Member
there's LOTS of home remedies bro ill hook you up, if you find them useful, let me know by sendin some rep my way ;)
1 Hydrogen peroxide, mix 2-3 table spoons (3% USP)(Drug Store Brand) to 1 spray bottles worth of water, if you have PH Up use it and make the water very alkaline. Mold/Fungi thrives in acidic places, also when mixing up any solution may it be peroxide or anything always add 1 small drop of dish soap to make the water bind to the leafs. ^^^^ This Remedy simply kills the mold on contact, once it makes contact the spores explode. Now too prevent further breakouts use baking soda and skim milk mixed with alkilized water, baking soda stops it from forming and so does milk, skim milk, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 standard spray bottle and 1 table spoon of milk to a stand spray bottle, and remember the dish soap.
I kept a plant mold fry right into fall ( beginning of nov) outside, so yes it works very well. specially if you cant afford much more.
Hope this helps.


Active Member
I've also heard milk works good. I just spayed my plants with a mixture of 1 part milk 9 parts water. I'll post how it goes.


New Member
baking soda.


Baking soda makes an inexpensive control for powdery mildew on plants. The baking soda fungicide is mostly effective as a preventative, offering only minimal benefits after your plants have become infected. Weekly spraying of susceptible plants during humid or damp weather can greatly reduce the incidence of powdery mildew in your garden.
To control powdery mildew on plants, mix together:

  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon of liquid soap
  • 1 gallon of water
Do not store unused mixture. While this recipe has been known to be effective, it can burn the leaves of some plants. It is recommended that you water your infected plants well a couple of days before applying this mixture, and don’t apply it in full sun. Try on a small area first, to test the plant’s response before spraying the entire plant.


Well-Known Member
there's LOTS of home remedies bro ill hook you up, if you find them useful, let me know by sendin some rep my way ;)
1 Hydrogen peroxide, mix 2-3 table spoons (3% USP)(Drug Store Brand) to 1 spray bottles worth of water, if you have PH Up use it and make the water very alkaline. Mold/Fungi thrives in acidic places, also when mixing up any solution may it be peroxide or anything always add 1 small drop of dish soap to make the water bind to the leafs. ^^^^ This Remedy simply kills the mold on contact, once it makes contact the spores explode. Now too prevent further breakouts use baking soda and skim milk mixed with alkilized water, baking soda stops it from forming and so does milk, skim milk, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 standard spray bottle and 1 table spoon of milk to a stand spray bottle, and remember the dish soap.
I kept a plant mold fry right into fall ( beginning of nov) outside, so yes it works very well. specially if you cant afford much more.
Hope this helps.
i like that one, i have 35% H202 , what mixture do i want to reduce down to 3% ?


Well-Known Member
i like that one, i have 35% H202 , what mixture do i want to reduce down to 3% ?
sorry i was wrong on my caluclations Edit :
with 3% USP use 4 1/2 tablespoons to a pint of water.
or a quart of solution to 3 quarts of water.

with 35 percent, damn thats some potent shit, well my estimates is half a teaspoon too a pint or 1 and half table spoons for a gallon.

Keep in mind H2O2 breaks down rapidly under any sort of light.


How do I get rid of Powder Mold?
i had trouble with this. i went to a grow store and the onwer there told me the best and fastes way to kill it was to use sulfur. ask your friends if they have a sulfur burner. i had to bye one it was $200.00 if you have the funds to bye one thats the quickes way to get rid of it good luck. oh yea you have to be able to cover your plants up to use the burner so the smoke can stay around your plants and lay on the leafs when its done it leaves a powder all over the plants and that is what kills the mold. :sleep::wall:


if you use a spray of some sort make sure you have a way to get it to dry cus if you dont your going to end up with a diffrent kind of mold from your buds staying wet good luck.
Ok, hopefully someone responds soon. I too found PM on my plants. I created it, its my fault. my room is 78 and my humidity is 47%. I had a box with old leaves, went to empty it...BAM found PM everywhere in the box, unearthing the demon in my bloom room. I am going to try the 1 part milk 9 parts water and a drop of dish soap, Im curious how high of a Ph should I have in the mixture before spraying on plants? I was going to use neem oil, but its very late into harvest...like 15more days to go. Milk seems the most harmless of all substances to use at this point. I have great air flow so shouldnt ever be an issue since I have now learned my lesson.
Ok, hopefully someone responds soon. I too found PM on my plants. I created it, its my fault. my room is 78 and my humidity is 47%. I had a box with old leaves, went to empty it...BAM found PM everywhere in the box, unearthing the demon in my bloom room. I am going to try the 1 part milk 9 parts water and a drop of dish soap, Im curious how high of a Ph should I have in the mixture before spraying on plants? I was going to use neem oil, but its very late into harvest...like 15more days to go. Milk seems the most harmless of all substances to use at this point. I have great air flow so shouldnt ever be an issue since I have now learned my lesson.
i dont know how smart using milk would be if you 15 days from harvest? it may just be too late? im not sure what is really ok to put on the buds but i imagine water would cause a mold issue with buds