Powdery⁸ Mildew and L.A.B serum


Hey all. SW arid desert grower here. My question to you all is as follows. Does anyone have any experience using a foliar application of Lacto-bacillus serum to treat powdery mildew. I have one of 5 plants in my high tunnel showing worse and worse P.M. on the leaves. I'm stumped as to what to do with it.... Just chop it now, or try and treat it to give it a few more weeks... Any input would be much appreciated!!!Riu1.jpg


Well-Known Member
I hear that it works but I've never had to use it, more of a spider mite problem where I am. There is a fermented citrus spray that people are talking about but I cannot find a recipe, it's supposed to be part of KNF or something similar. Hell, I'm trying to find the recipe because using lemon juice sounds intriguing.
LAB absolutely works but ideally more as a preventative so that it can hopefully never get to this point and take up the leafs surface with healthy microbes. However it can still help. PM lives both in and outside of the plant. I’d get rid of it but that’s just me.