powdery mildew...help please...

PlinyThe Elder

Active Member
posted this in "newbie forum", but thought it wise to get it in here, as well.

so here's my situation.
i've been treating my grow for powdery mildew on my indoor grow. i've used the milk/water spray remedy. i thought it was working after a few treatments, however tonight while watering i'm noticing more mildew on smaller, newer leaves growing off the buds. i am in day 33 of flowering. i need some recommendations from some of you veteran growers on what direction to take here.
the way i see it i could 1) continue w/ spraying and risk bud mold (the buds are really getting fat. i'm hessatant about getting them wet at this stage). 2) let it go and hope it doesn't spread too fast...yea right! 3) cut my losses and pull the grow (damn, that would be a hard pill to swallow. however there is a shitload of resins on most of the buds already). everything i'm growing finishes in 8-10 weeks.



Well-Known Member
posted this in "newbie forum", but thought it wise to get it in here, as well.

so here's my situation.
i've been treating my grow for powdery mildew on my indoor grow. i've used the milk/water spray remedy. i thought it was working after a few treatments, however tonight while watering i'm noticing more mildew on smaller, newer leaves growing off the buds. i am in day 33 of flowering. i need some recommendations from some of you veteran growers on what direction to take here.
the way i see it i could 1) continue w/ spraying and risk bud mold (the buds are really getting fat. i'm hessatant about getting them wet at this stage). 2) let it go and hope it doesn't spread too fast...yea right! 3) cut my losses and pull the grow (damn, that would be a hard pill to swallow. however there is a shitload of resins on most of the buds already). everything i'm growing finishes in 8-10 weeks.


sounds like my good friend mr spider mite has stopped in for a visit !!! cant say without pics but they make the leaves sometimes have white spots and feel like u said powdery !! if u have got em there aint much u can do now jus keep an eye on them dont let it get to bad... then again it could just be as simple as too much chalk in the water !! anyway hope this helps !

ohh and ofc could just be powdery mold lol :( i saw a good topic on this the other day ill try find it and put a link up


If they really are spider mites, just set some lady bugs loose in the room... Can get them at a pet shop.