Powdery mildew


Well-Known Member
Hey organic people. I am doing my first organic grow and it is also outdoor. I am having a problem with PM( powdery mildew ) and I was wondering if you guys can give me a way to kill mildew that is organic. I have eagle20 but do not want to use it. I have tried neem and dish soap, ed rosanthals ZT, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. I also pruned the leaves with the mildew but it keeps popping up on other leaves. Does anyone know if lemon water can kill pm also is if you guys know of another method I would love to hear it. Thank you

jessy koons

New Member
Don't use lemon water, PM loves an acid environment. Serenade or a garlic based product will work very well. Control of the humidity and good air circulation will be crucial to your being a master of your indoor environment.


Well-Known Member
I am going to try the milk and water method. I have tried neem oil multiple times with no luck. What kind of compost would I use in the tea??


Active Member
I would recommend some Potassium Bicarbonate. It is 100% organic and will provide a nice little source of potassium for your girls. I have used this in the past and it works 100% of the time. PM is systemic though so you will have to re apply when you see it again.

Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) and Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) are wettable powders that change the pH of the leaf surface toward alkaline. Another reaction takes place; the fungus cell wall actually bursts in the presence of bicarbonate. Potassium is one of the macro-nutrients used by plants and therefore is preferred over sodium, as sodium can build up in the soil. Sodium bicarbonate can be found in your kitchen (baking soda), so some prefer it for ease of obtaining. Both are more effective when used with an oil and spreader such as castile soap. They can be used to cure bad infections and prevents new ones.Use one teaspoon of bicarbonate powder, a teaspoon of oil and a few drops of castile soap in a pint of water, or 3 tablespoons each potassium bicarbonate and oil and a half teaspoon soap in a gallon of water. Spray on new growth.


Well-Known Member

  • a good organic solution: try serenade worked great for me. The best way to look at powdery mildew is a triangle you need 3 things for it to survive humidity, moisture, and the disease. You need to assault on all fronts. Get a dehumidifier, water in the morning (when ur light turns on) to reduce moisture. Third hit them with serenade dont get it on the buds. Use milk (1 tbs/cup) in between serenade sprayings (1 to 2x a week) if the mold pops back up. When done ur grow tear your room down and bleach it. The biggest thing is breaking that triangle. good luck​



Well-Known Member
Thebee, Im outside. My indoor didnt have a PM problem. Dawkin: I tried the ph up. hopfully it goes away soon.