Power Skunk Under Led


Well-Known Member
Looking killa bro! Nice pics! Have you smoked those strains before? How's that power skunk? I'm gonna have to do a lil research to see what those strains ya got going are all about. They look nice! Happy growing!
Sup Chronic? Appreciate you stopping by and showin my ladies some love! I've actually never tried either of these strains so I can't say too much about the final smoke, except that im looking forward to it! I'm a fan of skunky weed so im really looking forward to the power skunk, hope it gets that real pungent smell to it. Heres a couple links to the seed descriptions if you want to read up on them. I forget why I chose the white domina, but the power skunk was a freebie.



Well-Known Member
Looking good bro pretty damn hairy.
How big are they?
how much you think you are gona yield?

Yo abescta! Thanks for stoppin by! Let's see, the power skunk is probably about 2.5 feet tall, one white domina is about 3 feet, and the other white domina is a beast at almost 4 ft tall. I have the two shorter plants raised to level out canopy. Final yield is something ive been thinking about, but having never grown either strain I cant really give an accurate guess at this point. Maybe after a few more weeks i'll have a better idea once they swell up a bit more. Definitely hoping for over an ounce or two for each, but we'll see. As long as I get close to the dollar amount I paid for my light i'll be satisfied.


Well-Known Member
That panel is doing a nice job (your skills as well) and have put Advanced up there with GLH for future purchase. They are significantly cheaper than most everything out there barring the Blackstars. Glad I came across your thread. Looking forward to seeing those buds swell up into rocks.
What's up Spoc! Welcome to my grow, thanks for stopping by! Haha my skills, the compliment is appteciated! I'm still learning lots lol. Glad I could help you put advanced up there on your list of future purchases. If you choose to go with advanced I dont think you'll have any regrets. im definitely happy with mine and i'll definitely be purchasing from them again for my led needs. Hope you stick around because im getting close to wrapping this grow up


Well-Known Member
I think i'll start germin my next seeds tonight. I have an old set of two T5s that i'll get them going with until my current grow under the led is done. Here are my choices:

Violator Kush
Big Band

I have 5 violators, and one of the smile and big ban, all feminized. I'm thinking i'll scale back from 3 plants to 2 plants this next grow and give them a little more wiggle room. Anyone ever grow any of these? Input would be appreciated.

I'm leaning toward doing two violators, but not sure yet...i might have to draw straws to ultimately decide.


Well-Known Member
Just decided on 2 violator kush seeds for my next grow. Getting ready to germ now. I'll start a new thread up for that grow in a few hours...be on the lookout for the Violator Kush Under LED thread! But stay with me for the rest of this one, i'll be updating until the final weigh in of dried buds


Well-Known Member
Got my power skunk and white dominas budding up, got my violator kush seeds germinating, and picked up some clones from my favorite dispensary for my 600w hps room's next round, 3 old school romulans, 2 purple punch, and 1 oddyssey. Theyre veggin under T5s until my 5 gdp plants are done in a few weeks.

I was planning on journaling my next led violator grow but I've changed my mind. I'll be too busy to do anything really except maybe load some pics every once in a while.

I'll still finish the power skunk and white domina journal though. Stay tuned for the next update


Well-Known Member
My last post for quite a while...hope youve all enjoyed my updates! I'll be back in a few weeks, maybe...not enough interest gathered in what I'm doing to make it worthwhile. I know my plants kick ass and so does my light so no real need to keep giving you guys updates every couple days if I don't get any feedback in return...id like to thank everyone who subb'd or has commented on my grow, thank you all...so long riu!


Active Member
DAmn gona miss your updates your a few weeks ahead of me so ive been using yours as a comparison.


Well-Known Member
White Domina 2 full weeks after applying pk 13/14 so this is the start of week 7. This is supposedly a 8-10 week strain so I'm getting close. You'll notice lots of orange hairs in the pics, but that's an illusion created by the led light. If pulled out under normal light the amount of orange hairs is waaaay lower.



Well-Known Member
The Power Skunk also a full two weeks after applying pk 13/14. The breeder's website says this one is an eight week flowering cycle, but I may need to let it go another week or so. I guess we'll see where it's at in another week's time. Gotta say that she's looking lovely :)



Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, I'm looking forward to harvesting soon. Can't wait to be puffing on these fine looking ladies!

Update on my violator seeds I had germin, one out of two broke surface and it has it's first set of leaves, I'm just going to leave the other in the coco cup for a few more days maybe a week to see if anything happens, if nothing, I plan on going down and picking up a clone to grow alongside the violator...save the rest of my seeds for another time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment, dinafem!

Yes, I have 2 setups...one with 600w hps and one with 210w [180w + (2x15w)] of led. The grow spaces are pretty close to same sizes. I'm running different nutrients on them too. My 600w hps room gets general hydro floranova, myko madness, great white, and snowstorm, would've added gravity but didn't get to. My led setup gets the canna line. The 600w hps can definitely handle more plants with better lower branch growth...but I think if I had two of my 180w led panels they would see equal results. However, the led space probably runs 15 degrees cooler which I'm loving. The trichome and crystal production on my led grow is leaps and bounds above the hps. I just harvested my 5 gdp that was under hps, fat nugs but the tops don't look too much fatter than my led which still have a few weeks left. So far, minus the ability to have more plants, the led is outperforming the hps in every area, but I'm sure the nutes have something to say about that too. I'll get some more details in the coming weeks.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me how to upload my pics with bigger sizes? I always get thumbnail sized pics uploaded, but I like how abecsta made my pic bigger a few posts back. Help is appreciated, thanks!