Ppm levels


Okay so I am using the Mills nutrient line and they call for 12 milliliters of A 12 milliliters of B 8 milliliters PK per gallon and then i use calmag+ which is 3ml a gallon when I mix this all together my ppm is roughly 1500ppm I bring it down to 1400ppm. This is a light feeding as well. Is this to high to feed or no. I seen ppl talking about 600 ppm so I was curious let me know what you think


Well-Known Member
It depends on what stage of growth you are in. If I run a strain up to 1500ppm, it's usually around the middle of flower. If you are in week 2, this could be a problem. 600 ppm sounds more like in the Veg stage of growth, but different strains call for different ppm's or EC. I wouldn't start out by using the "recommended" amount as it's typically too much. Honestly, if you want to be safe, I would start at 1/4 the rec dose and work up from there. Your plants will tell you rather quickly whether you are feeding enough or too much, so working your way up isn't usually an issue.