ppm of nute solution and soil


Well-Known Member
Ive been doing some reading and have come across some posts from well respected members who say that ppm is not important for fertilizing in soil, just to monitor the ph.

Im having a hard time understanding this. I doubt that this means that I should go and water my plants with 2500ppm of 6.5 ph water...

What ive been doing is a gradual build up of ppm strength (500, 900, then 1300)

I was just curious if I could continue to up the strength of the nutes? or if i should?

How often should I fertilize my soil plants? They have lots of perlite so the 5 gallon pots are drying out from 10 cups of water every 3-4 days. (they also have lots of light and co2)

Cant wait to hear some opinions on this, ive been pondering this in my head forever now..

Thanks in advance!!!