Ppm Question For The Dro Crowd...


Well-Known Member
Hey i just want to ask potroast or GardenKnowm or any other of u experienced hydro dudes what is the maximum EC (or ppm) should be in a soup, i ask this because i read somewhere (can´t remember where) that the ppm shouldnt go above 1600 (3.2 EC) and watched a vid with the dudes from Greenhouse Seeds (winners of a few cannabis cups) that the maximum they give it´s 950 ppm (1.9 EC) so i´m actually confused...i only give about 1/3 to 1/2 of the nutrient recomended dosage and when i use test the water with the EC meter it reads around 1.3, my plants are just over 4 weeks so i guess if i continue to increase the nute dosage by the time i´m giving full blast nutes the ppm will be around 1600...does this sound right????


Uses the Rollitup profile
Many experienced farmers feed with some fraction of what the manufacturer says. Most nute makers that I've tried say to use about 1200-1600 for the peak feeding time. So your DNF sounds like it was patterned after GH's Flora.

Also the temperature of the growing room makes a difference in your nute strength. Those peak amounts should be used only when the temp is in the 70's. If your room is in the 80's during the day, you should cut the strength of the soup as much as half.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Cheers potroast, tks 4 the advice m8 never thought that the room temp could play such an important role in the nutrient solution....Peace and Pot bro