PPM question


Active Member
I just did my first testing the run off I have on 4 clones. They are day 16 veg.

The ph going in is 6.5 and stays around the same coming out.

The ppm going in is around 285, plain water no nutes added to grow yet, just going off what's in the soil. FFHF.
the ppm coming out was 965, way higher than going in, is that normal?
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Well-Known Member
Its possible that ur washing nutes from ur medium i never go by run off its not accurate IMO and id stick to tap if u use filtered water ur erasing all the minerals ur plants need and get from ur tap


Active Member
I have been using britta water, and this was the first time I gave enough water to get run off, 16 days later. Your prob right it is inaccurate