

Well-Known Member
hey, has anyone ever grown PPP.. if so how was your yield and when did you flower? any tips on anything for the strain would be great , also hows the high?


Well-Known Member
Yes. See signature. Got 3 of em going right now. I'd have to say the pheno is not as stable as I'd like. I have 3 going right now, and they look like 3 different strains for all being the same maturity. The high is soaring and long lasting, very pleasant to me. Very social, I wanna go do something high. Others that smoked my first harvest with me reported mild to moderate paranoia. I hope to combat this by harvesting later, allowing the bud to ripen fully. I harvested at least a week early (8.5 wks I think, check journal) in hindsight. I will not make that mistake this time. Grew with CFLs first time, 600W HPS this go around (no journal yet).

Started flowering at about 17 days from seeds in the journal below; vegged a little over 3 weeks this time. Didn't top, fim, or supercrop first grow; did them all on the ppp this grow. They like the FIM and supercropping. If heighth is an issue for you as it is for me; I highly recommend these techniques with PPP. Even if heighth isn't an issue, PPP took to these techniques very well. It is a very hearty plant! First grow with this strain was my first grow ever; I think I pulled 4+ ounces off two plants first time. Too early to tell this time. Oh, and they are not as easy to clone as the only other strain I have any experience with; Snow White. I hope this helps, good luck!