

Active Member
I doubt that when science has prolonged the life of most humans by 30 years over tha past 100years. It's not the science that kills people it's the people using the science. And the thing about science is that no matter what you believe science works for you.


Active Member
I do not follow or believe in science to call it a religion of any kind is wrong. It's a true way to understand our world and how it works, and in the past and present has proven itself useful to prolong and better all of our lives. This time we live in now is just the beginning. In a thousand years this time that we live in right now will be concisered "the beginning" of something. We have acomplished so much in the past 60 years technologically that I can't even imagine the kinds of benefits science will bring our civilization in a thousand or tenthousand or even a million years. If we are still around as a people a million years from now, this moment in time will be concidered the beginning of the information age. The age of knowledge, or whatever cool words have been invented by then. Lol. I mean think about it. If we are around in a million years, our generations will be studied in schools and our poets and artists will be equal to the davincis and michaelangelos. WOW I aM STOnED


Active Member
The only people I kno of that don't believe in (use) science are the ahmish. Lol then again even a simple zipper, Pully or lever would be concidered science.


New Member
"I doubt that when science has prolonged the life of most humans by 30 years over tha past 100years."

That is quite an opinion you have there, and you are entitled to it. But it is only an opinion at best. From what I have researched my ancestors in the 1800's had longer lives than anyone has lived to in my lifetime thus far. Can't believe the scientists or staticians as they do not share the data for that statement to prove their claims.

As well as what I know works for me...sure we all use science...

But can science give love? And if you also do not believe in love then I hope it finds you one day

I personally despise all religion science included

Take care my can bash all religion as I do the same...Just dont be picky about it...they are all religions and need to be bashed...just do not leave any out because you tend to agree with it....Or accept that science is your religion

But in furtherance of our kinship as growers I say I find you intelligent and knowledgeable and look froward to gleaning info about growing from your threads.


ps-lol ...i am baked as hell as BF LSD


Active Member
People only lived to be 30-40 2000years ago. Any thing that prolonged life in the 1800's would have been because of science. Wether it be planting a seed or eating the eight vitamins and minerals. We shal agree to disagree my friend. One last thing tho. Just because I believe in nothing and that we are all just random accidents and genetic mutants, doesn't mean I believe in science as a "religeoon" I just look to it for answers about my world instead of a book written by any man to make money.


New Member
well stated ... Again I reiterate I condone no religion nor do I believe in religious books...regardless of which religion claimed to write it...I learned what I know from my room for doubt that way

On the original topic, yes I have had seemingly miraculous answer given to my prayers. My grandpa when he was 78 I believe had his aorta (the massive artery connected directly to the heart) rupture, a condition which has I think a 90% mortality rate which would probably be even higher for people his age. In short, had a crapload of surgery and lived. Of course, I prayed as did everyone else in my family, and all the doctors proclaimed that it was a miracle for someone his age to survive, especially considering that most people die before even reaching the hospital. Prayer answered.

Then later I started questioning my religion and thought back to this incident. What if it wasn't divine intervention that saved him? What if it was all the advances we've had in modern medicine and surgical technique? What if it was the skill of the doctors who spent all those years training in medical school? So yeah I realized that in a world with a lot of shit happening that unlikely things will happen every day and realized that things people pray for would have just as easily happened without divine intervention, and now I'm an atheist.


Well-Known Member
The simple answer my friend, is that you tapped into your infinitely powerful "Will".

1. You stated in your mind what you wanted.
2. You believed in your heart and your mind it would happen without any doubt.
3. Then your pure intentions free of malicious or selfish intent are sent out in to the universe.
4. Then the vibrational signal is bounced back from the infinite beyond and your intentions manifest themselves in our physical plane.

We all have this power. We are just prevented from using it by the cultural and materialistic (worldly) programming.
Another infinitely powerful attribute we have is "Intuition", which is also curbed by the neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis we encounter on a daily basis.

"Know ye not, that ye are Gods?"


New Member
The simple answer my friend, is that you tapped into your infinitely powerful "Will".

1. You stated in your mind what you wanted.
2. You believed in your heart and your mind it would happen without any doubt.
3. Then your pure intentions free of malicious or selfish intent are sent out in to the universe.
4. Then the vibrational signal is bounced back from the infinite beyond and your intentions manifest themselves in our physical plane.

We all have this power. We are just prevented from using it by the cultural and materialistic (worldly) programming.
Another infinitely powerful attribute we have is "Intuition", which is also curbed by the neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis we encounter on a daily basis.

"Know ye not, that ye are Gods?" is like this...our thoughts program the universe to produce what our thoughts is our factory...driven by our faculties to create exactly what we desire...the collective is fed but the individualistic ideas simpler terms...god higher power...all the same is us and our dream factory brothers and sisters so let's create heaven....Guerrilla Mind Games-John Lennon



Well-Known Member
The simple answer my friend, is that you tapped into your infinitely powerful "Will".

1. You stated in your mind what you wanted.
2. You believed in your heart and your mind it would happen without any doubt.
3. Then your pure intentions free of malicious or selfish intent are sent out in to the universe.
4. Then the vibrational signal is bounced back from the infinite beyond and your intentions manifest themselves in our physical plane.

We all have this power. We are just prevented from using it by the cultural and materialistic (worldly) programming.
Another infinitely powerful attribute we have is "Intuition", which is also curbed by the neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis we encounter on a daily basis.

"Know ye not, that ye are Gods?"
AMAZINGLY PUT!! i love this site now, i can chat with some people who know whats good.


Well-Known Member
i love this... probably the most insightful thing i have heard in awhile thank you:)

The simple answer my friend, is that you tapped into your infinitely powerful "Will".

1. You stated in your mind what you wanted.
2. You believed in your heart and your mind it would happen without any doubt.
3. Then your pure intentions free of malicious or selfish intent are sent out in to the universe.
4. Then the vibrational signal is bounced back from the infinite beyond and your intentions manifest themselves in our physical plane.

We all have this power. We are just prevented from using it by the cultural and materialistic (worldly) programming.
Another infinitely powerful attribute we have is "Intuition", which is also curbed by the neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis we encounter on a daily basis.

"Know ye not, that ye are Gods?"