Pre-made super soil (living soil)


Hey fellow growers,
I have been researching for a good soil to grow organic for a while now, the conclusion I reached was best go with living soil where u only need to water with no additional nutes.

At first I was looking for a mix that I can grow immediately with without cooking for couple of months, since I don’t have the place and time for that.
Couldn’t find any recommended recipes for a mix with no cooking and no adding nutes later on.
So I decided to go with pre-made living soil.
I can get my hand on super soil and make a mix of the top soil my self.
If I’m not mistaken, plz correct me if I am:
I can keep using the same super soil for ever as long I re amend after each grow.

so please share your opinions, and advice me on which brand should I get for the premade super soil and share with me a good Soil mix recipe for the top soil and how do I re amend the soil after using.

thank you all for your shared knowledge and the time u give.

Ps. First time grower :)
Hi Neebz,

First time grower as well.
I was struggling with the same issue as you mentioned above. In the end I went for a line which contains slow releasing tablets which you insert into the soil and preparations off the soil before starting.(only tab water afterwards and twice throughout the grow additional bacterials) If your curious about my approach, I opened a journal also on the organics section. Don't have the experience to give advise, however, it could be nice for you to see the growth with this product.

Happy growing!


Hi Neebz,

First time grower as well.
I was struggling with the same issue as you mentioned above. In the end I went for a line which contains slow releasing tablets which you insert into the soil and preparations off the soil before starting.(only tab water afterwards and twice throughout the grow additional bacterials) If your curious about my approach, I opened a journal also on the organics section. Don't have the experience to give advise, however, it could be nice for you to see the growth with this product.

Happy growing!
I’m new to this site too, how do I check ur journal (no link) :)


Well-Known Member
I never bother with reusing soil it's cheap but if I was a large op ya.
I also just got the living soil stuff online. About too follow instructions and mix with coco loco. This stuff smells like the inside of a man bear pigs asshole.
I'm not new too super soil I have made my own.
I'm going to be using gro kashi with this too and tea brewing with the living soil with hi brix molasses.