pre sexing


i have 4 rather large plants. they are about 2 months old and 1 of them has white hairs pre flowers, i was wondering are the other 3 males? or just slow showers?


they are all about the same height. they are on 18/6 and teh one female has wow wonderful nice white hairs 2 of them on every catylx. maybe the others are just slow? or might they be males? males usually show first? they might have small lil things but i canttell it looks liek teh hairs it just has no hair oh well i will have to wait. do the males show with the 18/6?


Well-Known Member
they are all about the same height. they are on 18/6 and teh one female has wow wonderful nice white hairs 2 of them on every catylx. maybe the others are just slow? or might they be males? males usually show first? they might have small lil things but i canttell it looks liek teh hairs it just has no hair oh well i will have to wait. do the males show with the 18/6?
Im sure they will under 18/6 Personally I think its better 12/12 ;-)


Well-Known Member
They're old enough now, that they are all probably showing small pre-flowers. Have a closer look at those "small things", and you should be able to tell if they're male or female. The male pre-flower looks like it's attached by a tiny stem, and the female looks alot thinker where it attaches to the plant. Hard to explain. Google some male and female pre-flower pics, and you should be able to get 'em sexed. :cool:


maybe the clone light was reaching the 3 plants in front and the one in back was getting more darkeness... well i took the front 2 and placed the under the 12/12 we shall see//