predictions and repercussions of tomorrow nights primary?


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think tomorrow will prove?
Are the candidates going to start dropping like flies?
What are your predictions?

Edit: I am personally not a RP guy, so if we could, please keep the twenty minute RP YouTube clips out of this one. Let's have a real debate.


Well-Known Member
To be honest he is not a leader, and he in no way can beat Obama. As I've stayed he should have a place in cabinet but not the top spot.


Well-Known Member
romney wins, but not by the margin he needs. like tsongas in 1992 won, but clinton proclaimed himself the winner.

we could see something like that happens if huntsman leapfrogs paul for second place, which is what polling trends point to.

32% romney, 20% paul, 18% huntsman and the rest doesn't really matter.

an optimal outcome for huntsman would be something like 29% romney, 21% huntsman, 20% paul. although statistically, huntsman could get as much as 26%, especially after a series of romney gaffes today.


Well-Known Member
I think romney got a bit to comfortable at that top spot. He seems to have gotten complacent. I kinda like huntsman, but a part of me really wants to see Perry get the nod.


Well-Known Member
I can dig that. But I still like him, he did do fairly well in job growth. Wich at the moment I see as one of our main hurdles. With out working Americans America can't function. I don't really like his right to work stance but I sure do love the idea of a less intrusive government.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Vermin Supreme has my vote. I guess the rest of the candidates all want to run my life in other ways or kill people in my name, except maybe that Ron Paul guy.

.... but Vermin, he wants us all to get a can you not like a guy like that?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Romney wins by double digits. Santorum is second. Paul and Gingrich nearly tied at third. Huntsman drops out later in the week.

Romney is not my choice, but I think he is probably unstoppable now.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think romney got a bit to comfortable at that top spot. He seems to have gotten complacent. I kinda like huntsman, but a part of me really wants to see Perry get the nod.

Sometimes I get this weird feeling that Rick Perry is really just GW Bush wearing a Rick Perry mask....hmm.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I think many of you are failing to see a stark reality - in the end, this WILL be a referendum on Obama. No matter how hard they try to deflect focus onto the republican nominee, it is Obama who has the record to defend.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I think many of you are failing to see a stark reality - in the end, this WILL be a referendum on Obama. No matter how hard they try to deflect focus onto the republican nominee, it is Obama who has the record to defend.
Who is they and what does that have to do with the Republican primaries? This is about picking the Republican nominee for President. That's why "they" have been focusing on it.


Well-Known Member
I think many of you are failing to see a stark reality - in the end, this WILL be a referendum on Obama. No matter how hard they try to deflect focus onto the republican nominee, it is Obama who has the record to defend.
and I will still cast my vote for him vs any of the current GOP candifakes..

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Who is they and what does that have to do with the Republican primaries? This is about picking the Republican nominee for President. That's why "they" have been focusing on it.
"They" are the Obama machine and this is not about the republican primaries. "They" knew going in who the nominee would be. But any story that can be pumped up takes oxygen away (temporarily) from focus on Obama and his miserable failure. But once this process is over, the spotlight turns on Obama, the damage he has already done, and his total lack of a plan for the future.

The ballots may as well read - "Do you want four more years of this? Yes______ No________"