prepare for harvest tips? (week 6-8)


Well-Known Member
I'm in my 5th week of flowering and everything is going great. Now that I will soon be entering my last 3 weeks, what are some things I should do before harvest? I'm growing hydro in a DWC, how long should I flush for. Most of what I've ready say a week, but its it better to flush longer? Also, does keeping the plant in the dark for a few days really help? And what's this whole molasses thing? This is for a personal grow so I'm really mostly concern about quality of the weed.

I'd love to hear any tip/tricks for the last 3 weeks.

Thanks! :joint:


Active Member
Hey I am also in the 5th week of my plant. I add molasses because it gives sugars to the plant, also increases yeilds and provides better taste. But I have the same questions as you about the time to start flushing, also would a product like this help?


Well-Known Member
i don't know alot about hydro but ive heard its abad idea to use molassess in a hydro system. or maybe there was just some other steps you have to take. i know that isn't much help but consider it a bump. hope you get some good advise. your grow looks fantastic.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to hear any tip/tricks for the last 3 weeks.
I don't do hydro but I don't think it matters for this tip. I hate the taste of chlorophyll so by week 3 (left) they don't get any nitrogen and 1/4 strength P & K, 2nd last week 1/8 P & K, last week nothing of course.


Well-Known Member
If u got money, blast em with Overdrive from advanced nutes. There's some other products on the market for week 6 blasting. Should improve yield a bit. Other than that, just get ready to flush the last week.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Give them a single large water 2 weeks before you pull then use only fresh water after the flush, that way the nutes aren't wasted and get completely used up by the time of the pull...