Preperation of Amanita Muscaria

I'm receiving 1 oz of Grade A Latvian Amanita Caps tomorrow, and I was wondering if there is any preperations that may enhance the effects or anything??

I was just going to scarf down about 10 grams and chase it with a soda.

I'm not going to any health stores and buying any detox shit either, I won't and I don't feel like it.


Well-Known Member
kay, don't know why the whole thing about the detox, but keep in my amanita is poisonous, I usually chop it up, soak it in everclear for a day in a glass jar in the fridge, filter out the mush, and pout it into a glass dish to let the alcohol evaporate, you'll be left with a dark red gooey substance, make sure you can smell no more alcohol. They say when making extractions to do it three times with the same mush, while yes this does allow you to get every bit of active ingredient out of the mush, it also dilutes to overall product. watch, make the three batches, but don't mix them, the first batch will kick your ass the way you want, the third is a waste of time, so I would suggest just the first round. Also, I put mine in gelcaps, like the type food supplements normally come in, just open them, dump them, and fill them with the extract, you know have yourself a red pill. Merry Christmas...

P.S.- I gave that product to quite a few people to get reviews, no one got sick using that method, and one guy said he saw a train in his bedroom and the people on the train were telling him to get on, but he was afraid if he did he would die....†Lol† definitely one of my prouder moments...
Lol, didn't even think about an extraction thanks.
I ate them plain with juice and I also made a tea out of em.

Almost threw up both times after 1 cap and a couple of sips of the tea, fucking GROSS.
Hey w1z khalifa I was wondering how the trip went? I have some latvian amanita muscaria grade a plus caps coming tomorrow and I'm very excited to try them. I've done acid x and shrooms but never really tripped where I was seeing things that weren't there but that's what I've always wanted. Very excited for this. I hope I got to wonderland!
Wanted to know if anyone has eaten the latvian amanita muscaria caps straight? Is fo how bad was the nausea? I can deal with a stomach ache and maybe throwing up once or twice but I don't wanna b sick and ruin my trip but I don't wanna mess the shit up or dilute it by extracting it.


Well-Known Member
yea bake it or microwave it till juice comes out and drink it, make sure theyre not death caps which look similiar only brown