president backs immoral seizure of property by law enforcement

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yep, funding public schools is exactly like rape...

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously?

You made an assertion that it isn't like it. I pointed out the identical tactics used and you failed to refute my factual claim and offered a diversion.

Some people may not take me seriously, but that probably has more to do with their emotional response / cognitive dissonance than any rational reason. BTW your "argument" illustrates my point well, thank you.


Well-Known Member
You made an assertion that it isn't like it. I pointed out the identical tactics used and you failed to refute my factual claim and offered a diversion.

Some people may not take me seriously, but that probably has more to do with their emotional response / cognitive dissonance than any rational reason. BTW your "argument" illustrates my point well, thank you.
F*** off Rob, declaring victory like a fucking child.

Go wank a dog...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob Roy thinks 12 year olds can consent to sex with an adult...

Be careful who youre seen agreeing with, being retarded doesn't mean you can defend pedophile enablers.

This is the part where I would post a dead horse being beaten meme isn't it ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Answer the question, yes or no?

I know the answer should be no for most rational non-pedophiles, so what do you think?
I think you like talking about these kinds of things frequently. Do you find it helps to take your mind away from your dog wanking talk?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The fact you can't even answer is hilarious.
I may or may not have time to converse with you, but you'll have to wash your hands first if you've been, erm "petting" the dog.

Now let's begin.

At which age would you say you could provide your consent for something ?

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
What do You mean ?
Rob roy is saying sending kids to public school is like raping them because the kids have no choice.
To be fair sneekyninja actually drew the analogy but from what rb is in fact saying.
Rob has i point but i don't know where he put it.


Well-Known Member
I may or may not have time to converse with you, but you'll have to wash your hands first if you've been, erm "petting" the dog.

Now let's begin.

At which age would you say you could provide your consent for something ?
It was a simple yes or no question, your double speak bullshit isn't necessary.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
How do you reconcile how government schools are funded ? Is that a fair way to do things?

If you had a product or service, should you be allowed to dictate the price to potential customers that they MUST pay, even if they don't want / use your product or service ?

Should the customers have a choice in using your product or service or using another one
or not using any if they chose ?
Do you think americans should pay taxes?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob roy is saying sending kids to public school is like raping them because the kids have no choice.
To be fair sneekyninja actually drew the analogy but from what rb is in fact saying.
Rob has i point but i don't know where he put it.

I'm saying that people should not be forced to pay for something at the point of a gun, especially if the something was not explicitly agreed to by them. Forcing another person to pay for something isn't charity, it's simply a form of legal robbery.

Words have meanings and the meanings don't change because the perpetrator of an act is government and not you or me.

Sneeky ninja gets confused sometimes.