Prestigious inspecter generals visit to your house to check your guns


New Member
"Halo to you sir I am mein fuherers prestigious inspector general, as you know do thein tragedy I am here to inspect your firearms." - Prestigious Inspector General

"Ah yes I am humbleded by your presence, come right in" - Humble citizen

"Yes these appear to be okay, vwe have all 5 round magazines locked nicely in the safe, I will bid you ado." - Prestigious Inspector General

"Vait Vhwat is this? Such a large toilet for such a small man, vwhy does your toilet produce 3.4 literest per flush?"- Prestigious Inspector General

"I don't know it sorta came like that, let me go get the registration papers" - Humble citizen

"Sort of came like that you say! You vwaste the fatherlands water! You shall be hung!" - Prestigious Inspector General

"Please sir let me get the papers" - Humble citizen

"Very well but make it quick I doubt a man of your stature has valid paperwork for such a device" - Prestigious Inspector General

Humble citzen leaves the room and comes back to find the Inspector General on his knees tracing the floor

"ARE THESE BITS OF CANNUBUS ON THE GROUND!" - Prestigious Inspector General

"Yes...." Hume Citizen is interrupted "KEIL HIM!" - Prestigious Inspector General yells as his soldiers open fire


Well-Known Member
coming soon to a city near you.....

I was just talking earlier how funny it is New Hampshire state motto "Live Free or Die", yet they will take you straight to jail over a roach in your ashtray.....ya, I have some experience with this issue......