pretty sure 2 much nutes


Active Member
i have 8 grand daddy purps that were week old clones when i got them and it is know about day 10 the first two times i waterd i waterd at ph6.5 and 3/4 nute strength. i noticed burn on two plant so i didnt water for 2 days and when i did just ph6.5 water. i again waterd with just 6.0-6.5 yesterday no nutes again am i doing what i should because the yellowing got worse on like 5 plant and two of them are hurting bad but two of them are looking strong i confused sorry dont have pic cant find camara


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yellowing at that stage is the plant needing nitrigon. its not going to die by not feeding it. if they have good roots then feed at 1/4 to 1/2 strenght at first and work up.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
it happen.also over watering well turn them yellow also. make sure youlet the soil dry out acouple of inches first be4 you water again.