Prime LST Example Here.. Short Plant, Big Buds. (Master Kush)


Active Member
check it out let me know what yall think bout these..
looks nice, i got mine in a 5gal too she hasnt hit flowering yet waiting on the sun to hurry the fuck up. hope she looks as good as yours. whats with the holes in the middle of the bucket? i have mine drilled on the very bottom and the side bottom but why the middle?
fucken RIU wont let mme upload n the only other forum im on is thctalk FUCK shr has ne growth every day just not budding wtf


Well-Known Member
so i am very curious. how did you get them so bushy and short? did you crop a lot? I would like to know because i would like to do something similar
well first i have the lights about 8 inches from the plants. i prunned and cropped a shit ton. all the way back to week 1 of veg. my plants are clones and i only have 4 weeks veg. Mine grow EXTREMELY fast and i have to prune nodes and branches about every other day. if you prune nodes that you arent going to need on the plant you save a lot of energy that can be used elsewhere in the plant. the picture of the small plant is day one. the next pic of the large plant still in veg is day 30. this hood i built is another reason. pic 4



Active Member
How long into flower do you continue the lst. do you do it throughout the entire flower or do you stop at a certain point doing flower. Any hints would be helpful. I have LST'd all of my plants and none are as evenly spread as yours. see my grow below. any tips will get you + reps. thanks


I topped a lavender vegged it for a about 2 weeks then tied down some branches for another two weeks. The plant stayed short but it blew up when i flowered it. It's on week 4 out of 10. Now it has about 10 top colas but a bunch of little scraggles and leaves towards the bottom and in the middle. I was wondering....when is the best time to trim the leaves and scraggles on the bottom of the plant to make room for more light and direct more energy towards the top colas. I've heard not to trim the plant after it has flowered cause it will stress it out but it's hard to predict all the extra foliage that will grow after moving to flower.


Well-Known Member
its best to trim off any branches or nodes that are growing in as soon as possible. if you do it right you shouldnt have to prune at all after the second week of flowering. you be able to see how the plant is going to stretch during the flowering and be able to determine which nodes to keep or cut.


How big of a pot should I use. Can some one give me the radius. I have some and they don't say gallons on it. Also how wide does it get. I'm going to have 3 26w and one 46w on each plant. Or is this enough?
Thanks peace


Active Member
hey man i lst'd after i split the stem for a twin plant wanted your opinion on it. it was my experiment before i start on my plants.
