Problem after transplant


Active Member
ok this is my first grow.Yesterday a transplanted my little 2 day old babys and now there thriveing and doing great.BUT today i transplanted my 4 day old and go out to work.come back and the middle of the stem is all shrunk and brown now the plant is drooping over.Is there any thing i can do to fix this? ill post pics soon but my camra died.Any help is great thanks.


Well-Known Member
its either fungus which i doubt on a 4 day old plant or you either broke the main tap root or pinched the stem when xplanting. or something inside your new soil/containers killed it most likely soap residue from not rinsing the new containers well enough after sterilizing


Active Member
yea i think i pinched a little bit of the main root off i put it inside a modified straw to hold it straight up do you think the roots and stem will recover because i have 2 other healthy plants but i wanna know if its pretty much gone or if it will make it.


Well-Known Member
it should spring back up long as the plant didnt get an air emblisim when the root broke its probly just a bad case of xplant shock worse for worse its only 4 days old not abig loss