Problem autflower week 5


Well-Known Member
so your thinking the leaf drop is an old issue cuz the new growth isn't showing it

that's reasonable


Well-Known Member
next round feed with full strength

itll be easier next grow to adjust the strength up or down

currently its just not safe to assume you need more and its hard to say for sure with the issues you've worked thru

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
I gotcha hopefully this did the trick so I can see where I need to go from there on if it were to be def in any way so we'll see thanks a ton staying up late with me here hahaha obviously not why you stayed up though haha sorry stoned and tired :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
my friend who just started growing told me he was giving his plants 2 cups of water every 3 days.. i told him "no"

Whenever a plant gets decent size. I give i t 1 gallon of water or nutient water every 3-4 days. Ido this through harvest. 1 gallon of water makes enough runoff a plants whole life if its in 5 gallon or 3 gallon

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
my friend who just started growing told me he was giving his plants 2 cups of water every 3 days.. i told him "no"

Whenever a plant gets decent size. I give i t 1 gallon of water or nutient water every 3-4 days. Ido this through harvest. 1 gallon of water makes enough runoff a plants whole life if its in 5 gallon or 3 gallon
Yea I was giving like any where from 2-4 cups in these 2 gal airpots.

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
IMG_0287.JPG IMG_0288.PNG IMG_0289.PNG IMG_0290.PNG IMG_0291.PNG A little over 12 hours later all the droopy leaves on tops of the plants are standing right up and seem pretty happy :lol:

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
You can definitely tell the past few days there growth has been stunted growth judging by today's growth! I think with out you I definitely would have killed or would have come close to killing my girls. Sucks they got a little stunted but they seem to be troopers thanks again bro!


Well-Known Member
You can definitely tell the past few days there growth has been stunted growth judging by today's growth! I think with out you I definitely would have killed or would have come close to killing my girls. Sucks they got a little stunted but they seem to be troopers thanks again bro!
pot plants are resilient

you can over feed them under feed them feed the sodium whatever and they'll live but they wont ever give you what you want

and in many cases despite all the abuse still produce viable (but diminished) flowers


Well-Known Member
so what you have to understand is
fertilizer is a salt mineral of several types

the ocean water is also full of salt minerals but at a much higher concentration and of less desirable salts

even thou your feeding a low strength solution
salt accumulation is still very possible if your not putting enough volume thru

enough volume to push out the old salts and replace them with the new.
watering sparsely doesn't push out the old.. it just adds more to the old

so to finalize my analogy;
your leaves where drooping from drinking ocean water

well not really ocean water.. but water with too high of a salinity


Well-Known Member
your soil provides a buffer between the plant and the salts

you put the salt in the soil

the plant can pick and choose what it wants or needs... for example taking more nitrogen and
leaving behind excess sulfur, calcium, phosphorus.

so over the three days time between waterings the elements in the soil have changed based on the plants needs and what it uptakes

this means the salt elements existing in the soil (just before the next watering)are whats been left behind and out of balance

when you water it again your adding enough volume to push the unbalance left over salts away and replacing them with new balanced salts

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
Yea that makes total sense but once on a forum a guy said only to give so much per plant not to drown them I don't know I figured a little run off was enough. The plants are worth keeping right?


Well-Known Member
Yea that makes total sense but once on a forum a guy said only to give so much per plant not to drown them I don't know I figured a little run off was enough. The plants are worth keeping right?

theyre forming buds

you can get some good smoke still


Well-Known Member
over watering is related to frequency

water thoroughly but not again until its dry

your environment will partly determine the level of strength in the solution

for one example;
if your humidity is low your plants will appreciate a lower EC
where as
if your humididty is high they may appreciate a marginally higher EC

low humidity means the plants drink more
the more they drink the y less PPM/EC they need
its kinda like eating several small meals in the day instead of 2 large meals

but if the humidity is high the plants drink less and so the lower volume of water be drank might need slightly higher amounts of food to meet the nutritional needs

and theres many other factors

Wonka Morris

Well-Known Member
Yea that is a good way to explain it basically any conditions that would make your pots dry out faster would benefit from a slightly lower Ppm/EC


Well-Known Member
I saw you have one of those self making CO2 bags brother. you know if u wanna supplement with co2 you really wanna seal the room air tight and actually raise your temps to like 82-88 (dont quote me on exact temps) but I know you want daytime temps higher when using co2.

did u harvest some fire?