problem: cant get to 1500ppm without ac kicking on and exhausting co2

"all post and threads are made in a fictitious manner for my own personal amusement"
not sure what to do. if you had an airtight room with a 8000btu air conditioner as your only source of cooling/exhaust, that you wanted to be on as minimal as possible in order to not exhaust massive amounts of c02 out of your room how would you go about it.

we can keep it at 800ppm with the ac set to go on at 85degress, and the ac wont kick on, but if we go over 800ppm the room gets too hot too fast, the exhaust kicks on and the co2 gets wasted.

the only idea i could think of would be to buy cool tubes to exaust the heat from the lights out of the room into another sealed room where my ac would be, which would cool the co2 enriched air, which would then be exausted back into the grow room. thats a major issue because the only way to do that would be going through an attic which has asbestos filled insulation, so that plan is shot

any ideas on how to cool my room down enough without using my air conditioner in order to not waste my energy and co2?


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering the same thing about how to keep a sealed room with ac exhausting outside.

Sorry I don't have the answer, but thanks for asking.


Well-Known Member
well there seems to be some confusion here.

an ac unit should only be treating the sealed air, it shouldnt remove any air at all. you need to rig it so the room side of the ac is inside your tent and the window side is on the outside. Depending on your regions relative humidity the part outside the tent may(most always) need fresh air from a window to keep the condenser working properly. In this manner the tent remains totally sealed(well mostly) and when the ac kicks on the tent room air does not change.

if you have an exhaust system hooked up well thats another problem. It shouldnt be turned on at all (some people exchange air once an hour or so, less with high co2) really. a popular route if you are running co2 is to use a sealed reflector and keep the air moving through the light and outside the tent(the air that feeds the light is also from outside the tent) to minimize the amount the light heats the air.

so a little confused how your actual ac unit is removing air.


Well-Known Member
My ac has a ducting for hot exhaust air, but all the chilled air just comes out of the
front of the unit. I guess the simple answer is to get a better AC, one that has an
intake and an exhaust so that you can properly leave your closed room to just take
in the cold air?
its a single tube exhaust ac unit in the room. i think were just guna have to man up and get a mini split air conditioner....that and a few cool tubes. i was hoping someone would suggest a ghetto fabulous solution for me


Well-Known Member
its a single tube exhaust ac unit in the room. i think were just guna have to man up and get a mini split air conditioner....that and a few cool tubes. i was hoping someone would suggest a ghetto fabulous solution for me
Unfortunately, due to the type of AC unit you are using your room is not considered *sealed*.

A window AC unit or a mini-split will allow you to cool off the room without exchanging the air inside. That way you can utilize CO2. I had a mini-split installed and it works great in my sealed room.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Co2 is heavier than o2. If you can, vent your exhaust from the ceiling, by running a vent tube. This may help retain some of your co2.


mini-splits are way more energy conserving than a portable ac unit . and it does a way better job. there will probly be no need for cool tubes if u buy one that can handle the lights and size of your room. it is expensive but for co2 enrichment there is no substitute.